I am just a dragon. I both seek and bring freedom and magic, but am also at home in many other topics. I teach, so others can get powerfull, and so one day one of them might be able to surpass me and teach me that which I seek for so long.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2024


  • most servers actually also run linux, even microsoft(maker of windows) runs Linux on many of their servers. linux is just many times better in IO, ram , cpu, and networking. not only in compatibility and stability and security but also speed and latency. all those thigns matter to servers. that said many very small companies store things on a nas and then acces it with windows or mac computers. which can be very annoying if you work at such a place since then you have to use a unstable computer, which has almost no free ram or cpu and will chrash when it shouldn’t and you aren’t allowed to install Linux on it. but most of the internet runs Linux. actually GNU+Linux is by far the most used operatingsystem worldwide, not only pretty much all servers, and essentially all supercomputers run it, but android, and chrome os also are Linux, but they just run something like a box on it, and people only see the box instead of Linux. then many small devices also run it, and ofcource spacecrafts and such. in normal desktop use the score is much lower at around 2%, however that score is also affected a lot by how Linux users do not allow their os to be submitter automatically to some server, or that those are directly hosted by the developers who will not always share it with those public sources. next to that sites and such tracking what os people use are less likely to get the info from Linux users as they are much more likely to use security tools. steam might be seen as accurate as both on windows and Linux only select people use it, but then you only have that field of people, and then there was the bug where the steam hardware survey had a much smaller chance of triggering when running Linux(even though that might be fixed by now). based on stats for pc desktop use 1 in 50 people would use Linux on pc, however when looking at total use desktop is but a fraction from all computers worldwide.

  • don’t forget the part where they put on the chains and weights and throw people down the 11 windows to hell. actually windows was meant to prevent people from falling there, yet people still kept using it, that is why every once in a wile they add a extra window, specifically designed in ways which they think would prevent people from trying to use it, yet still many do somehow. btw

  • I guess it is actually quite many. (could consider me one to, even though for me the physical body tends to change whenever I get reborn, and generally I just call myself me, and both as well as what I feel like in the moment.) many GNU+Linux users want freedom, next to that many care about others. and freedom, not only is the freedom to get, do, be, etc. good things, but also to do things however you feel like. next to that Linux users also are less afraid to not fit the standard image, they might do so for jokes at moments, but many just only care about what they care about in that moments, and many can take and make jokes about themselves, so no pride(as in being proud) holding them back, they can be what they want to be(or atleast more easily than most average people)

    it because of both of those that naturally you see huge amounts of people like femboys, trans, transfem, etc. feminity itself also one big defining factor of most Linux users, essentially coming back to expressing yourself as well as caring about yourself, the world and others and not liking to see them hurt or abused, pretty much all Linux users have that strongly. then there also are some with strong masculinity(they still have the feminity) but also focus a lot on the taking action/getting stronger, think about the chads, and the people who are insanely strong or who are real code wizzards.

    obviously I myself would also be seen as one without a standard gender or such. but in my case I don’t really have a gender, but at the same time all. being immortal(not talking about the body, but about me) let me see and experience so many things, and next to that not really human.

    as for gender roles in human society, they are weird, both hold something good, yet also much bad, and most of society expects people to follow such a role blindly and completely. it is good to see that change. but people still need to learn to see there is no fixed gender or role, only personality. but to beat that properly, first it must become normal for people to do things on own choice and not based upon one character in code. it is getting there slowly, but places like primary schools should just let all people wear similar yet non boring outfits(so containing all kinds of things), as well as not dividing things upon gender and such. if kids aren’t drilled to learn such things as if they are a huge deal at young age, then they won’t even see any difference, other than perhaps choice and their own personal standards for things like comfort and beauty, etc.

  • isn’t that largely the same, Linux desktop has mostly 2 user groups. 1: femboys(tomboys who dress girly and use Linux can also be concidered femboys, normal tomboys as well). 2: people or chads who collect femboys and technology(in case where femboys aren’t collected physically or in images, they are collected in the hearth).

    mages and magical creatures and such obviousy belong to both groups in general, though most of them belong mostly to group 1, that said mages who are specialized in being a wizard only more often belong to group 2.

  • in my case pretty much all heavy games work much better on Linux than on windows(laptop came with windows, so tested before putting Linux on it and then compared). in many cases I get around 1.5 to 2 times the performance, stability is also much greater, this is both for new and old games. that said I tend to avoid those games with insane mallware(drm) in it.

    system uses a apu and has only 16gb ram and 1.5tb nvme ssd. so might also be it has a much bigger effects on APU since Linux handles ram much better. but if a system suffers from other similar bottlenecks like: storage, ram, compute, TDP and thermal, etc. problems should also result in much better performance when switching to Linux. I guess the only exception would be if the GPU compute power would litterally 100% be the only bottleneck, or close to that, but in a APU(where one might assume games to be heavily bottlenecked by GPU compute power) GNU+Linux gives much better performance.

    also this was tested on Garuda Linux KDE Dragonized edition, and changed the kernel to a newer one since by default it will use a kernel optimized or first gen ryzen. which gives some issues and lower performance.

  • the fear for good, is the fear for change or admitting they where wrong. it is pride, as well as lazyness, combined with stupidity and weakness. because weakness is not how strong one seems(or lack there of) but weakness, is how little a person would be their real self, as well as how much they assume that in order to be strong they need to supress others so they are in a worse state than them. supressing people is a sign of the weak, because they are blinded and can only destroy.