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You can take pics from tourist spots in Cuba. I’ve been to the edge of the rented bord er. It takes no special effort.
The difference being, of course scale. But thank you for further proving my point. We know the names of every detainee in Guantanamo, we know the flights in and out, we have satellite pictures of it despite it being a facility that’s top secret.
And yet
If they just kick out the alfalfa farmers and the almond farms, they don’t need water imports.
Jaqing off to unrelated topics is an interesting strategy. I wonder what other group is famous for doing so, Mr Shapiro.
The difference, which I hope you know, is drugs don’t have legs or arms.
Well it’s that or join in on the genocide, or be a victim. Those are your three choices. We know what liberals chose to do in Nazi Germany after appointing Hitler against the evil socialists and communists; so I’m not too shocked you would join with Trump instead of admitting your mistakes and start actually working against him.
The genocide is not worse. That’s not a thing. Genocide is genocide, it grows until it is stopped by force and the parties response are removed from power. Was Harris going to resign and start reforming the US to ensure foreign aid can never go to Israel as along as it’s a fascist ethnostate? No, her promise was to continue the genocide.
I’m sorry you’ll now have to do something. I’m sorry you’ll now suffer the same way you condemned others to suffer. I’m sorry you didn’t do more and accepted genocide as a necessary evil like all Nazi civilians that disagreed with Hitler did.
Maybe, just maybe, it’s be easier to admit you’re wrong and start fighting for the first time in your life.
No kcal totals? No calculated macros/micros including supplements? No tracking of specific weight an volume of fecal and urinary excretions?!
Well good news, one of us will be proven right by the end of the month.
No, no you weren’t. You were explicitly told that allowing and encouraging genocide would end the Harris/Biden campaign; and that America actively participating in genocide would cause the genocide to spread domestically; and that Dems refusing to differentiate themselves on this topic would disincentive voters.
You were not told, at any point, genocide would end with a trump admin. I get liberals tend to have that thing all right wingers have with their memory where you rewrite history to match your current beliefs, but you gotta try harder when you’re not in a right wing echo chamber like reddit or x.
No you weren’t.
I’m well aware, you seem to be either not believing we’re in fascism, or you believe the make believe rules that contain society are divine laws that everyone will always follow.
Trump pardoning the j6 group was a signal that as long as you’re loyal to Trump, you will not have legal consequences. That removes the rules, as long as you do the Reich thing.
You pervert!
Refusing orders can be seen as treason depending on the circumstances. While the ideal is you disarm and arrest the member to stand trial, if that’s not possible and they present immediate danger lethal force can be used.
Yes, as I said, western people with vague ties and no evidence of said ties making up stories.
We know what genocide looks like when a country has complete control over all communications … It looks like hd video. It looks like leaked audio. It looks like tens of thousands of refugees despite military blockades on all sides.
It is not vague stories and claims from people that voluntarily left decades earlier. It is not stories that you can immediately disprove on a visit. It is not the d-tier propaganda that people like you only believe due to racism and believing the Chinese are so fundamentally different that those doing the genocide would have not one single person defect and come forward. The Chinese are human. Not a hive mind. In even the most brainwashed examples of real genocide, a double digit percentage of those perpetrating it defect and try to tell the world. Not one single one has. None of the thousands upon thousands of people required in the act and cover-up of this ‘genocide’ have broke… Making it the most successful conspiracy in the history of the world… If it were true.
Why do you people stop having critical thinking skills the second China is mentioned?
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