If being on onlyfans constitues being a model now than I am a highly esteemed 3d enviromental designer
If being on onlyfans constitues being a model now than I am a highly esteemed 3d enviromental designer
Yall should use his name so this annoying shit can be properly blocked
ID be so boring i and probably others would kill someone or themselves just for some excitement
and that folks, is why the gaming industry is not only in such an dystopian god awful state, but it only goes down from here, there aint no bottom
Yeah nan im good, freetube was good but not that good
with how this game looks, i refuse to believe that that amounts to that many gb of data (u sure thats 4k?)
Well, straight in the trash it goes than, a shame
dont you see the inherit problem that these devs all themselves created with the increasing cost, increasing scope, increasingly forcing bigger retention spans? these games dont need to be this needlessly huge and even than there is no need to have them almost broken (have you SEEN how cd project red always releases their games?)
i never said it was that much better back than, its just much easier to have all of this garbage available than it was back than cause now its flooding the online stores
and of course “do it better yourself than”, i dont have to be a mastercoder to recognise subpar quality, i dont need to be a masterchef to know when something tastes bad
my gf is slowly teaching me coding, by the time i can actually do so more proficiently i can probably submit a request (they likely remove again) and still be faster than they are
and i dont owe them a submission either for a feature they themselves have promised and assured would be ready over a year ago and quietly removing it from the priority list?
they should just say they cant do it than
and im here on lemmy cause a. githubs ui is kinda ass (imo) and b. they cant just remove even any bout of criticism or genuine questions they dont like
Im no stranger to daggerfall either but that just highlights the problem with the company but some fanatics who blindly follow then
Their games don’t have to be buggy messes till modders do bestesdas job for them, mods should primarily enhance, not fix.
And these people who don’t care (as you that is) are one key problem why bethesdas and other companys launch their games like an alpha they’ll never fix (hows their ducttape held severly outdated engine gonna cripple this title I wonder)
can these subpar double triple a games stop not compressing and optimising their shit again, and not dumping all of their over compensating textures and files on us? no?..okay…
very solid advice, ill try this out, thank you
both of these are very solid advice lel
exactly, i would have no problem in that case
i like modding as much as the next gal but this type of relationship bethesda has with their fans is not good, at all, and i never see anyone ever mention it
cant wait for the backwards flying dragon, i mean the backwards flying spaceships
Not only hyping a features they had for several games now, but I bet my left ovarie thats they all gonna be as broken as their earliest iteration
Pinephone is barely usable as is They need to ve functional first