Does “de-monetization” simply mean Google isn’t paying him, or that they’re removing all ads (and revenue for themselves) from his videos?
Isn’t all of it encrypted though? Like I understand physical access to servers is generally bad, but you’d think once the the things are unplugged it would be difficult to access the data again without bypassing encryption. I’m clearly not a software engineer though lol
Isn’t all of it encrypted though? Like I understand physical access to servers is generally bad, but you’d think once the the things are unplugged it would be difficult to access the data again without bypassing encryption. I’m not a software engineer though
Isn’t all of it encrypted though? Like I understand physical access to servers is generally bad, but you’d think once the the things are unplugged it would be difficult to access the data again without bypassing encryption. I’m not a software engineer though
What risks, exactly? Twitter goes down? Proprietary Twitter data gets stolen in some server heist scenario?
What sensitive data does Twitter hold? Genuinely curious
I really dislike Musk, but I find it hard to criticize this when it generally worked.
The platform formerly known as Twitter is still running, and there’s no more $100 million/year data center.
6-9 months would have meant $50-75 million dollars. I don’t know what the outages and re-engineering ended up costing them, but that’s a ton of money.
The email I use for random website sign-up’s is an ancient hotmail account that I only check when I’m expecting a specific email. It’s like thousands of spam messages.
The more important things using my actual email are comparatively small.
This doesn’t apply to furniture but the Goodwills in my area ship all the good stuff to a central location two counties away where it can be listed for sale online. The stuff in store is mostly garbage.
Honestly, niche YouTube channels. The problem is sometimes you don’t want to sit through a 30-45 minute video to find the information you’re after.
Probably gardening.
A few seed packets and some dirt turns into building nice cedar raised gardens, filling them all with great quality soil, expensive liquid fertilizers, various irrigation systems, and so on. And I can’t just haul all that dirt in my sedan… But hey, I have 20+ tomato plants, and about as many different pepper plants every year.
It’s honestly nowheer near as expensive as some of my other hobbies, but on the “a lot more money than I expected” scale it’s up there.
I love that you consider parenting a hobby, lol
You could always do in-browser Office if nothing else works. Or g-suite