Git repositories are decentralized anyway. If it’s taken down, someone will upload it elsewhere. So probably not a big deal either way.
Git repositories are decentralized anyway. If it’s taken down, someone will upload it elsewhere. So probably not a big deal either way.
“So I’m trying to give em the benefit of the doubt haha. But it’s just not the right way to do it, hands down”
And in some cases, the flavor is dramatically different for better or worse. For example, I cannot stand organic bananas, and I eat bananas almost every day. Something about the organic ones just taste so off to me. Can’t really pinpoint why - it’s been a while. But it’s stuck with me ever since I tried one.
Love that they’re laying inside the circle haha. Also, this pic is cozy af.
This was the first one that came to mind for me! I had a ps1 growing up, and I think my grandma bought me this game or something lol. No clue how she picked it out. Maybe the person at checkout recommended it or something. It was probably the first rpg I ever played, and I had no idea what I was doing. I remember complaining to a friend at school how I was just stuck at the first castle area, and he was like, “you need to hang out outside that area for a bit and grind some levels”, and I was like, “wtf does that mean.” I go back and play it every once in a while, but I’ve never actually beaten it. It is a long game!
Daddy, chill
An image you can definitely hear lol
I’m not sure I could fit a full bike between my bed and my desk, actually lol. I’ll just round up to a full 1 second then.
Not trying to tempt you, but… I think it’s super worth it! I had an LCD and decided to upgrade because a friend of mine was willing to buy it off me. I’m also just a sucker for OLED, but the extra battery life is also a really nice bonus. But hey, the LCD is still an incredible device either way!
As someone who was raised in a very evangelical household: the (non)-answer is that it happened to him in order to tempt him or test him or some shit. If it happens to a non-god-fearing individual, it’s deserved, otherwise it’s God’s plan all along. Because moving the goal posts is just way too easy.
The real answer is Tucker Carlson is either actually insane or hardcore grifting, but I’m probably preaching to the choir here going down that rabbit hole lol.
Because it’s my turn next, and they’ve been hogging it all night!
People suck
¿Porque no los dos?
There’s a lot to bitch about!
Ah, good point. I was referring to each pays for what was ordered. Although, I think equal splits are typically not an issue either. I do live in a pretty touristy area - no clue if that affects it somehow.
Yeah, this one is interesting to me. I go out with friends, and we split the bill every time. They’re even happy to split it differently for couples and singles. Never been an issue. Maybe it’s a regional thing??
Sounds phenomenal. I have been wanting to get out and play some more dg soon now that it’s warming up around here.