Her brain sure isn’t.
Her brain sure isn’t.
For now.
Me, upon seeing the response: Hahahaha! Man that was fast. Dude always has the perfect reply ready.
5 minutes later: tries to squint through Klingon makeup 🤔
One trip to IMDB and Memory Alpha later: …holy shit.
The next day: I should post a reply.
Now: We’re in now now.
The other cart:
rattles crooked wheel
Goals require long term work, commitment, and developing new habits.
This is why I’m doomed.
Me, before clicking the link (because kbin doesn’t handle inline thumbnails well): If that’s the entry for “twelve cloaking warbirds” I swear…
I’d also spend a month researching the exact perfect router
Every time I do this I come away disgusted with how trash most technology is and just how awful manufacturers are willing to make the experience just to get those precious data harvesting bucks. See also: this thread. Womp womp.
Well that sucks. I am guilty of really only following Risa, mostly due to big gaps in my watch history and wanting to avoid spoilers for the newer shows. I’m not surprised though… Reddit had (and still has) tremendous amounts of inertia.
And now that you know, feel free to join us in the rabbit hole!
Successfully pulling off a lift-and-move like that was huge. I wish more niche/fandoms had followed suit instead of staying put.
You know what worked for me? Getting passably good at singing the Bowie parts. It’s like the parts that want to get stuck are in opposition with the Bowie parts and there’s some mental tussling then suddenly the song is over and you’re free.
It also works well at confusing the shit out of people at parties who all want to sing along yet seemingly never got the memo that the song is a duet.
Me: watches TNG episode
Risa: memes that exact episode
Me: trek-equivalent-of-fry-suspicious.gif
Congrats! It’s good to see some Zelda II love. It took me years to beat this as a kid, and you bet your ass I got some tips from Nintendo Power lol. To this day it’s still one of my favorite NES games.
I worked in a “datacenter” where the humidifier function for the HVAC unit was turned off because it leaked under the floor into an adjoining office when it was trying to humidify. Management refused to fix the unit due to the cost, and saw no issue with running the room with relative humidity in the teens all winter. Madness.
You jest, but she gives a wicked purple nurple.
If they were president, they’d be Swimmy Carter.
Do you take expired Reddit gold?
Asking for a friend.
Presuming whatever party emerges from the ashes doesn’t manage to still be worse. Which… gestures vaguely at the kind of humanity that gains and keeps power
This is about as coherent an argument as you’re gonna find on the topic.
There it is. Was wondering if there was any relation, to the point where I had half a mind to look it up myself. Thanks for saving me the trouble.
It’s nepotism and cronyism all the way down.