Are you asking which CEOs are the most cynical?
Yeah, sort of
English is not my mother language, i used an automatic translator for this word. In french, this is called “sas d’entrée”.
-Karl Marx: his ideology, that intended to fight oppression, was only used to build dictatorships.
-Martin Luther King: institutionalized racism is still alive and well.
-Marsha P. Johnson: the current situation of american queer -and especially trans- people in America is self explanatory.
Impunity of members of UN security council
If a UN resolution is vetoed by at least one of the members of the UN security council, the said resolution is thrown in the trash. That means that if a war crime is serving the interests of at least one member of the UN security council, its full impunity is de facto guaranteed. Even worse: some of the members are notably war-thirsty and 2 of them aren’t even democratic. And there is no way to change this way of functioning because it also can be vetoed by the said members. How many crimes have been made possible because of that?
Not a single judiciary system is able to tackle a phenomena that can happens from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world an can imply a handful of thousand of persons. Big tech does not have legal obligation nor financial or ideological interest to tackle it because forcing them would be unconstitutional. The rare cases where justice give a fuck about it, you get at best the condemnation of a bunch of nobodies after years of legal procedure during which the bully continues, and most of your bullies are still unpunished and free to launch a punitive expedition.
This is as old as the democracy itself, and we still don’t know how to fix it. People are so easily driven by their emotions and stubborn about their political opinions that you only have to exploit cynically their low instincts to take the power, especially in a crisis context. And once populists are in the power, they hardly give it back.
Without hesitation, the smell of persons who didn’t took a shower for a long time, the only smell so far able to make me puke.
What does mean “being SA’d”?