If this is true, it’s a big fucking deal. We can’t let this happen.
If this is true, it’s a big fucking deal. We can’t let this happen.
I wonder if there are soot sprites in the attic. Is there a giant camphor tree nearby?
I don’t know, I doubt it. It’s actually an older android os that has been modified by Amazon, so I don’t think you can get around it. You used to be able to jailbreak them and use google play store, but I don’t think that’s possible anymore
And it’s a piece of shit. The only thing the Amazon fire tablets ever did well was shop Amazon. And I stopped shopping on Amazon years ago. These are a waste of money at any price
You need some therapy. Telling kids the truth about how our bodies work early on doesn’t harm them, but maybe your parents not talking to you about it and your older friends having to do it, perhaps in a crude way, is what led to that shit you don’t need to get into.
At a restaurant? Uh yeah.
Well done sir, well done… I mean dude
Identity theft is not a joke, Jim. Millions of families suffer every year. Also one that the internet gets wrong all the time: “dude, this is a Wendy’s”, not “sir this is a Wendy’s”
Be part of the change. Your “discussion” is with bots over there
I actually think that’s exactly what you’re doing. I’m not saying what this guy did with an old projector and lcd screen is practical, but it is interesting and pretty creative. One things for sure though, he didn’t just create a projector using an old projector
Not at all. A dlp projector doesn’t use an lcd panel to project an image, it’s completely different technology. You may be thinking of lcd projection, but either way you’re wrong.
It’s not a projector. It’s an lcd tv screen backlit by a projector. The tv lcd is still what produces the image
You’re wrong
You must not know how to drive a manual. When you know how to drive one, you don’t think about it. You just do it. You feel connected to the car and connected to the act of driving. Automatics absolutely allow people to go on autopilot and they focus on anything but driving: stuffing their face with food, browsing lemmy, texting, talking on their phone on speaker while holding it up to their mouth for some fucking reason even though it would be easier and better sound quality to just hold it up to their ear like phones were designed to be used, or you know, just use the fucking hands free phone calling that’s built into every fucking car that was made in the last decade and a half and included in every cheap ass aftermarket stereo system available on the planet
Where’s Uranus? That’s what I wanna know
What exactly is your point in regards to this article?
What do you think investing less than $200 is going to earn you?
Fuck Idaho. Lots of Nazis there. Lots of meth. Very little brain.
I got permabanned for reporting hateful comments on a r/conservative post that was glorifying Nazis a few weeks ago. No warning. Been on Reddit for over a decade without causing any problems. Sounds like Reddit as a corporation has picked a side
Get fucked and speak for yourself. Myst is an amazing game. You ignorant slut