ARM devices with general available and useable drivers. I want to install Linux, Android, Windows on any ARM devices fast enough in a similar way it works for x86 devices.
Former u/MrMagnesium on Reddit
ARM devices with general available and useable drivers. I want to install Linux, Android, Windows on any ARM devices fast enough in a similar way it works for x86 devices.
Lass dich davon nicht Stören.
May I introduce you: webxcel
If you are ok to play the cum** game with him, why not?
** Cum Ex
Our federal chancellor will join, too 🦜.
Lol, that’s exactly the same what I’m doing.
Öffi, a non sucking public transportation app.
The latest Xbox and PS consoles are basically x86 PC’s with a AMD CPU and a locked down operating system. The Xbox uses a system based on Windows 10 (games are running in separate OS containers, basically Window VMs in HyperV) and the PS is using Sony’s Orbis OS, what based upon FreeBSD.
There is a LaTeX package to do this.
Python people be like: self.
You can install KOReader on Android as well. Well it lacks OPs material Design requirement, but it fulfills the other.