Always have been 👨🚀🔫👨🚀
Always have been 👨🚀🔫👨🚀
They’re not kids to him, he sees them as an extension of himself and a way to extend his control, so when one has their own personality or breaks away from his puppetry he sees it as a personal slight and must shut it down before it makes him feel like his facade of “tech genius” is breaking to show the insecure, brain damaged, moronic k-hole nazi that he really is.
Shift + ctrl + v is paste without formatting
So windows 11 sucks for a number of reasons, but one thing it doesn’t suck for is updating the notepad program to have autosave and being able to reopen last notes even if not saved to a file directly. Makes it actually usefull as a notepad
Never will. We need a new party, not a new democrat
And not violence, when it comes to destroying inanimate objects
You don’t reform the democratic party, it reforms you. It’s like a corrupted windows install, you don’t use the reinstall windows option from within the corrupted windows, cause the corruption is carried over almost invisibility untill issues happen again. You make a fresh boot drive, and use that outside of the current instance to start fresh. The amount of people it would take to reform the democratic party would be more than enough to start our own parry, one without a history of corruption or full of old guard to sabotage it.
That will never be the democratic party. We need a new party, not a new democrat to save us.
People who go to trails are not gaurnteed, but are more likely to care about the environment they traveled to go to. Mostly.
Sure lets just torture all the poor people so a handfull of rich fucks can afford stem-cell-zinfandel, never mind that 100,000 people were tortured and killed, at least we discovered a new anti-wrinkle cream. If you don’t think that’s what it always is in practice you’re delusional. Shit like that is just as likely to cause mass disease or our extinction than it is to discover something useful, perhaps even more so
Always have been
Also calling it stress is so fucking gross when normal people have to deal with soul crushing extisence of inadequate food, housing and life of wage slavery, and he’s just upset cause his world domination plans makes people say mean things to him.
Mark my words, they’re trying to use the same shitty type AI to deny Medicare patients like UHE.
This is what is meant by “socialism or barbarism”
Well we don’t know if he was killed, but its much more than a non-zero chance at this point. They’re tortuing him at the very least, just by the assault and kidnapping. Likely worse is happening, if not already.