Munch the moneyed
Munch the moneyed
Trump is mask off USA
English: Turquoise
So is yellow, red or green; is magenta, red or blue?
Literally this is why it gets hate. It’s not remotely Cheddar. Real Cheddar is deliberately none of these things. I love a crunchy cheese crystal and a crumbly organic texture. To each their own, but it’s not Cheddar, barely cheese. I’d have it in a burger, but only because so few places will melt real cheese properly. Brie is pretty good in a burger. Is Somerset Brie really Brie? Time for a Frenchman to tell me to gtfo…
Yep Underground
How else are you going to send it to hell where it belongs
tbf I went from Wii to PS4 and shit a brick
Ah there we go
This is just smartphones in general, nothing to do with iPhones
Interesting how he has a propensity to identify with Nazism, yet the commentators quoted all use “antisemitism”. The conflation is not unreasonable, but stood out to me.
Imagine being so right wing that even the Telegraph oppose you.
Barely parents mate, grandparents fml
She’s not that bad
Parental controls
How long until this tech is used to block sending of nudes?
They look like shockingly similar
An order of magnitude! Insanity. Cannot wait. Fun snake and metal gear refs.
Anyone know what’s up with Heartman’s actor?