jq - super powerful json parser. Useful by hand and in scripts
jq - super powerful json parser. Useful by hand and in scripts
Penis owner here. Occasionally I’ll use 1-2, or part of a paper towel (or whatever else I can find first).
In 30+ years of peeing, I still can’t figure out why it sometimes stays under my foreskin, then makes a wet spot on my pants two minutes later. Guess I’m just bad at peeing.
~1000/1000 (usually more like 1300m on speed tests when wired)
$55/month here in the Northeast USA
I have an EV and a truck with a manual. I love them both.
Every time I swap back to my EV I’m shocked (no pun intended) by how immediate the response from the accelerator is. There’s no delay for air to flow, revs to build, nothing… Just instant, push you back into the seat torque.
That being said, I also fully expect my Toyota to outlast my Tesla lol
Oh they were very friendly. Actually in the middle of walking toward me and another person in that pic <3
Northeast US here. Fairly healthy competition in my area, the fiber at my home is about $50/mo
Systems Engineer/.Net Developer here. Currently have a super flexible hybrid setup. I work from the office 2-3 days a week. My commute is about 15 minutes when I decide to go to the office.
I like seeing my coworkers, using the awesome conference rooms, free snacks and coffee. Change of scene keeps me focused and motivated.
My main motivation for working where I do is that nobody gives a shit what I’m doing or where I’m working from day to day. We’re all professionals working to deliver our projects on time. How we deliver is up to us.
If my boss told me I had to start coming to the office every day at some set time, I’d immediately start searching for a new job.
Came here to say Severance. Great show, I just watched it this week.