Not a Steamdeck or PC user but it works just fine on console with a controller.
Not a Steamdeck or PC user but it works just fine on console with a controller.
I hope so.
*sad Nintendo Switch noises
I’d say Cartman represents our basest and darkest thoughts, fantasies and desires.
The thoughts we have but most of us do not act upon. They’re harmless as long as we don’t act upon them. Except Cartman does.
Similar story with Yesterday by the Beatles. Paul McCartney was convinced he had unconsciously plagiarized the song after he’d supposedly heard it in a dream.
I was waiting for the release date to be April 1st. Guess the jokes on me, it’s February 27th.
Not a teacher (but I work with people that sometimes want to give me gifts when we say goodbye) and I agree, card or a letter is great!
Either that or something I can share with my colleagues (chocolate, assorted sweets).
I can’t imagine seeing any noticeable changes in graphics in the ps6.
I’ve been thinking that since the original Quake came out… there’s always room for improvement!
I know what you mean and I think it’s because it had a rocky start. This generation of consoles was plagued by availability issues due to the chip shortage which made the transition period from the ps4 to ps5 a drawn out affair.
The Fender Tune app is pretty useful. It has a tuner, metronome and you can look up scales and chords. It’s also free.
This is a great move generally. I’ve never bought a new car in my life and I generally buy other expensive stuff used as well. I’ve only ever bought a couple of new guitars for example and I’ve found it’s not worth the upcharge over used.
Boardgames and video games are nice to have new but most of the time the people I buy them from have been super careful with their stuff so you hardly notice it’s been used.
Same thing with clothes. People buy so much shit that they hardly (if ever) wear it before selling it on. I’ve bought Chucks with the tags still on for half of what they’re sold for in retail. Same thing with jeans.
Also it’s generally better for the environment to buy used.
Hu-mon Fe-males!
First, don’t refer to girls and women as females when using English. While accurate, it is currently a word tainted in that context by its use among incels and assholes, so it makes it seem like you’re one of those.
Unless you’re Ferengi of course. That’s just their culture.
It boils down to the old ‘nature vs nurture’ debate.
Current consensus is that it’s a bit of both. Or, to be more precise (and modern), social factors, biological factors, and psychological factors all interact.
Great podcasts! Has a fair amount of blood, gore and torture though. No criticism but I thought it’d be fair for OP to get a heads up on that.
History is bloody business
Fozzie is the perfect Splinter and it’s not even close.
‘Fuck you, got mine’
Battlefield 2142 had that, don’t know it that was the first one to do that though. Might’ve been BF2.