Nominative determinism at its best
Nominative determinism at its best
The judgemental one has 7 coloured instead of 6 too.
The Eurofighter’s prettier, estranged cousin
What about the Eurofighter?
I think usually you provide them with a donor vehicle and they swap in the electric motor (something like this Wrangler example). They tend to leave the gearbox as is by the looks of it.
There are companies that will convert old Jeeps and other vehicles to electric.
Like the Babel fish in H2G2
The third act of Carry On was just a bit too much dumb action hero saves the day. It started off alright.
Which country is that for? In most EU countries it’s basically the top classification
I did
Is it actually top secret? The poster will be going to prison for a long time for that unless they’re the president
ASAT missiles are only suitable for low earth orbit, you’d need a rocket about the size of a falcon 9 to reach GEO where Intelsat was sitting. Think people might notice that. Wouldn’t need the satellite to be on a suicide mission, could just slap a gun on it like the good old days.
They have one sigint satellite Olymp-K creeping around up there, why not a second that doesn’t have a Wikipedia article
Seems like it. SSTL (who made this satellite) do loads of earth observation stuff already so the MOD probably just bought time on those satellites like you said.
You can opt out of audiobooks and save the extra cost they added the other month.
You can’t really grow the same crop in the same field season after season (without fertiliser), because they’ll sap the specific nutrients they need from the soil. If you do that over and over eventually the soil wont have any food for that crop. Growing something different each season that takes different nutrients from the soil lets it recover the other ones. I don’t know how it recovers on its own, circle of life stuff probably. Modern farming can cheat by artificially replenishing the nutrients with fertiliser.
He was, and was part of the reason remain failed because they thought it would be an easy win
How old are the cars you’re thinking of that don’t like going 20mph? Do you mean they are more twitchy and will accelerate too easily even in 3rd gear?