To add to this, I don’t think the Carney polls are being factored into the 338 model, because they’re “what if” polls, and don’t reflect voter intentions today. If Carney wins we will probably see even more of a drop in the following weeks.
To add to this, I don’t think the Carney polls are being factored into the 338 model, because they’re “what if” polls, and don’t reflect voter intentions today. If Carney wins we will probably see even more of a drop in the following weeks.
This from the guy who wears oversized cowboy hats and undersized t-shirts to cosplay as “rural”.
There is lots more detail in the full news release link at the bottom of the page. It’s going a bit over my head right now though.
Ah yes, a sort of cleansing operation.
Of people of a particular ethnicity.
I wonder if there’s a term for that…
I hadn’t heard about using the headers to check for spoofed emails before. Here’s more information on how to do it for anyone else who’s curious.
The next paragraph after the screenshot is also important:
At the first sitting of the House after an election, the members of each recognized party vote on whether any or all of the sets should apply to their caucuses. The provisions only applying to the caucuses that approve them was another compromise to ensure passage of the Act. The approval of the provisions by the caucuses is binding until Parliament dissolves, after which another vote is held.
The Liberals did not vote to approve the provisions, so this can’t be used to remove Trudeau.
A car lane is dedicated to the through traffic of cars. Similarly a bike lane is dedicated to the through traffic of bikes. If it is truly such a nothing burger to wait one minute, surely you would have no problem stopping on the car lane either and telling drivers to wait. And yet I have never seen a delivery driver attempt this - probably because it is considered socially acceptable for drivers to honk at shout at anyone blocking their way. Not so for cyclists, even though they are the more vulnerable road users.
Perhaps you could also stop at a bus stop and tell the bus driver to wait a minute. Or you could stop in a stranger’s driveway while they are attempting to leave. Or hey, stop on a train track. Let me know how that goes for you. It’s only a minute, right?
You really ought to get on the mathfinder train
They are more privacy focused, but they are not “better” in an unqualified way. Mullvad and Tor especially are not recommendable for daily usage without significant asterisks, they have some features disabled and if you modify their settings at all, add extensions, or even log in to websites, you ruin their anonymity features.
Librewolf is nice, but it’s basically just Firefox with Arkenfox pre-applied, and it lacks automatic updates which are important for security. If you have a package manager that’s better, but by definition you’ll still get updates slower than using Firefox and applying Arkenfox yourself. For instance Firefox 129 released on August 6, Librewolf 129 on August 10.
“Why and how would you falsely confess to anything?”
TLDR: cops tortured this poor guy into believing he killed his father while on medication. They threatened to euthanize his dog. He tried to hang himself in the interrogation room. Then they found his father ALIVE. Then they sent him to a psychiatric ward, since he was unstable from the torture THEY inflicted.
It sickens me to see that someone thinks this can’t happen.
Induction stovetops are fast, efficient, and safe. (but regular electric is fine as well)
Water heaters are similarly available in electric and heat pump configurations.
Yes, I use it with Bitwarden
Air pollution from coal and oil is estimated to kill 5 million people every year. That’s more than every nuclear disaster combined, and not to mention the signifcant safety advances that have been made since those disasters.
All nuclear waste ever produced can fit in one football field. It’s stored in containers so thick you can go up and hug them safely, and so strong you can ram them with a train without doing significant damage. And if need be, we have the means to bury it deep underground.
Renewables are fine, but they don’t deliver consistently, so they need backup power. Nuclear provides that at much lower environmental cost than, say, giant lithium batteries.
They should equally be allowed to own homes without yards. But exclusionary zoning, minimum setback, and maximum lot coverage laws don’t allow that.
Shaming scam victims has been shown to make people less likely to seek help after being scammed. Your comment only serves to help scammers.
My dad was expecting an etransfer from a friend. He got a text for the right amount. He was on his phone and the URL was mostly hidden. It was the end of the day, he was tired, he let his guard down. Took us months to deal with the fallout.
The world isn’t so black and white.
I use Startpage and am happy with it. Yes it uses Google, but Google can’t track you as they can only see that the search came from the Startpage server. You also don’t get any of the AI summary or sponsored link bullshit. Beyond that, you could try SearXNG which can aggregate results from many engines.
One time I brought a horse into a bar and they called the cops to kick me out. I can’t believe comedians didn’t warn me I wasn’t allowed to do that irl. We really do live in a society
If USB4 is so good, why isn’t there USB4 2?
Off to Guantanamo he goes!