Aberlour 15.
Non American here but is that not against the law? He is no official representative…
Had to take a second glance as this cutie looks exactly like my cat.
In Germany usually the wedding ring is on the right hand not on the left.
In regards to the pictures a gulf seems to be a coastline fed by a river. A bay being a mostly round coastline and a wound being a small coastline that gets bigger.
I am still angry about what they did to homm.
Rome has a subway. 2 lines in fact. Running almost like a cross through the city.
A little piece is removed. At least that’s what they did with mine
English is not my first language but wouldn’t that be the correct for for ownership of things in regard to the plural of woman? Like a man’s world. women’s attire? In my native language that would make sense.
Looks like she was photoshopped into both pictures actually.
I have quite a few friends that studied medicine and are now working as “Facharzt” in hospitals. All said they needed to have 4 published articles as author’s or co author’s plus a dissertation just to start the journey of becoming specialized doctors. Their degree was after they defended their dissertations.
In Germany a doctor in medicine has to write a dissertation subject to a specific topic that deepens scientific understanding. Having a few articles in science magazines is also usual.
Nah dude. It will be refreshing to once not be part of the source of a world war. #fingerscrossed
Glad I backed it for 2 copies. Can’t wait. Getting suikoden I and II vibes
Well we didn’t really. At least planned. And then cxu and the rest approved being less strict with funding and financing over all and tada: lots of numbers on a screen.