We miss you Bass Fishing & Marine Fishing. 🎣
We miss you Bass Fishing & Marine Fishing. 🎣
Well done Ireland! We need more countries like you.
And by a 15 year old no less! Keep up the awesome work young one, you’ll go far…
Did you know the UK is the largest exporter of medicinal cannabis in the world…
Theresa May‘s husband is/was a major shareholder in GW Pharmaceuticals (now Jazz Pharmaceuticals) who is a large exporter of it. Other MP’s past & likely present also benefit from the industry & yet we still have very dated laws on it. Is it in their interest to keep the status quo to keep competition at bay?
Apple cider vinegar (unpasteurised) gang here, love the stuff!
I will always upvote a Ghibli recommendation!
Have you ever heard the expression “The customer is always right”?…Yeah, well, here I am, the customer.
Is that all? Just the price of doing business for them :/
I played the helicopter one as a flash web game when I was back in school some 20-25 years ago! Was one of the earliest simple time waster games (in a good sense) that I can remember being really addictive, the whole class would end up playing it in computer lessons until it got banned.
I think I saw a documentary about a similar incident recently… it had two sports drink salesman in a minotaur truck badly parked getting towed & they drove it away while still attached & crashed. Long story short they had to do community service looking after kids to be role models & hilarity ensued…
This sounds amazing, I’ve been playing for a couple of months & really enjoying it. Having never played RuneScape or anything like it, it’s been quite a learning curve, but it’s all very chill so you don’t feel bad if it takes a while to spot a certain feature or remember where a certain screen was in the sprawling menu system (which is fairly easy to use once you get used to it).
In the first few days/week I found I needed to interact while on walks to make the most of the short step requirements for early activities, but that soon levelled out, & the walk buffer with 2x multiplier is a really nice touch. Every few days/week I try to leave it on idle to build back the buffer, then everything feels relatively quick to progress for the next few days.
Really awesome work & look forward to the upcoming updates whenever they arrive. Big thanks to you & the team!
I really like my Casio CT-S1. It’s not weighted, but still has a nice feel to it. It’s more a keyboard that has midi support vs a dedicated midi focused one, but because of that it’s quite minimal & slimline. Probably around your price range when it’s on sale I would guess. Although I think 61 keys is the smallest, so maybe too wide for your needs.
The app is rubbish & always has been so no real loss. But this, disabling a core hardware feature!? Dick move Anova, dick move…
Sodastream is from Israel, so that’s a big no from me. Only learned that recently when I was considering if I should buy one.
Not heard of Drinkmate before. Thanks for reigniting my hopes of home made carbonated water!
Have they hired Tom Cruise yet?
Can it be put on a shark?
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