• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • If you’re using a roomba, the app will typically tell you when to replace your brushes and filter. The filter you can find easy replacements for as well as the little spinning brush. The bigger brushes are harder. You can buy replacements from third party vendors for cheap, but they’re not perfect… and if you have carpeting the roomba will freak out until the third party brushes wear down a bit. After that happens, everything mostly works.

    I usually clean out the roomba every week and replace the brushes every 4 months or so. I run mine nightly though (I have kids).

  • According to levels.fyi, Microsoft grants about 50-100k (25 percent of their pay?) in stock for their senior engineers each year. Amazon is closer to 200k (which makes up about 50 percent of their pay)

    I guess you’re right in that it won’t really affect them, assuming the tax event occurs when the rsu gets vested and not at the sale.

    It’d be more likely to affect folks who are in a pre-ipo company, gain a bunch of stock, and then sell it post-ipo. I know several folks at AirBnB who this would have impacted and several at stripe who this probably will impact.

  • For what it’s worth, there’s a big difference between a 2 year front end engineer and someone who has been doing it awhile. I’ve worked with both and the product from higher end folks is usually much better. Whether companies know that or not, I’m not so sure. On the downside, the front end stack seems to change every 2 years so it can be difficult to keep up. I’m more of a backend person that writes front end when it meets a need.

    Wish I had some advice for him. Best I could say is to jump into some open source work (or pet projects) and make sure he understands whatever framework companies are looking for. It’ll help keep his mental health up, build his skills, and look good on a resume. Pretty sure React is still the main framework. Whenever I’ve interviewed folks I always looked kindly on anyone who could talk passionately about any project that they’ve worked on. He should have someone go over his resume as well to ensure it has the right keywords or at least no red flags (And maybe tailor it a bit to ensure it references what that specific job is looking for) HR is notorious for filtering out resumes for otherwise qualified candidates. Finally, he shouldn’t filter himself out from any jobs. Even if he looks unqualified he should make his resume look as qualified as he can and take a shot. Maybe also reach out to some headhunters. They take a cut of your pay, but it can be helpful to get in the door.

    I assume he’s probably doing all of that, but figured I’d type it out just in case.