• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • I used this many years ago, but their privacy policy was awful. I checked it before posting and it’s way better now but it’s still not the best, from their Privacy page

    “We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties. However, we may share your information with trusted third-party service providers”

    Use mixplorer if you are going to use a close source file manager, is more private with more features.

  • I haven’t found a perfect Foss file explorer, so I use 2, material files and ghost commander.

    Material files


    It shows the disks sizes

    Can deal with compressed files (zip, 7zip, tar)

    Multiple windows support


    You need to reset the app to update disk size and to show new ones

    Images are cropped

    Multiple windows are worst and not as intuitive as multiple panels

    It have issues when trying to open files with other apps, particularly librera.

    Ghost Commander


    Many personalization options

    Dual panel

    Light weight and fast


    Can’t deal with 7zip files

    It’s only view mode is list view

    Don’t show disks available space

    One Foss app many people don’t know about that is worth mentioning is

    Index which try to bring a linux desktop file manager to android.

  • “And move to what?”

    To having a better life.

    I like YouTube as much as the guy next to me, but at this point we have become to Dependant to it. Instead of watching quality content like movies, series, documentaries or animation; we end watching someone talking about that on YouTube. When we find nothing good on the platform we end watching something we don’t care about just to have something to watch or having as background noise. Some people can’t even enjoy a meal or sleep without YouTube. At this point YouTube is more numbing the TV ever was.

    I hate what they are doing, trying to block Invidious, Newpipe and the ability to watch the platform without ads. But at the end it’ll be the best for all of us except for YouTube.

    Eventually YouTube will die and a new shitty monopoly will step in.

  • I downloaded it years ago from apkmirror and update it via the app itself. It has never made those connections before until last week. I think that maybe the connection it made to Google fonts was because days ago (maybe a month ago) I changed the language and it needs to connect to the Internet to do so. But I can’t find a reason to why it connected to telegram, which I don’t use.