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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Its not that “states” dont want me to have guns but the people of that state dont want there to be so many guns.

    If i have a argiment with my neighbor i can be reasonable shure that he wont pull a gun out if he is mad. Pulling a trigger on someone is much easier than beating someone to death. If you fear the state becoming a facist regime maybe put mechanisms against that into your consitution instead of saying " just have guns" because thats is not a working mechanism. Against facism you need free public media that isnt privatly owned or government controlled. You need good public education and a working democratic system. America has neither of these things and instead of demanding that either of these get implemented the idiots freak out about gun co trol as if they could do anything against a facist state. Half of americans think that trump is fit for office, do you think that your right to a gun will solve the problem? If you want to kill him fine, but that means there is still a maga group full of idiots who will rally behind the next dude that wants a to build a facist state. Do you really think that ton of maga idiots with guns who think that immigrants eat their pets will not be more destructive than people not having guns at all?

  • Dc transmission lines at 10kv? Dc transmission lines make sense when you need to pass a really long distance or you can only use underground cables because those have a much higher capacitaance, i.e. high reaktive currents.

    If you need to supply your rural area or town you will go from some 20kv lines down to lots of 3kv and then 400v lines with multiple transformers everywhere. Dc transmission doesnt make sense here, but supplying a grid from really far away with a single line? Yea.

  • Yea have fun transmitting a decent amount of power with 240v over a meaningfull distance. Also most generators produce ac anyways so why would you recitify it at the generator instead of your device after a transformer? You still need all kinds of different voltages everywhere in your electronics and this means you still need to regulate it.

    I am not shure how the american wirering worls out but to get from 240 to 120 you still need a transformer… or is it 240v between the different phases and then 120 from phase to neutral?

  • It literally says “32 bit RISC-V homemade CPU out of discrete components”.

    I dont know how you would stretch the definition of cpu in form of discrete components but yea current processors also stray from the definition of a alu and a control unit and registers since people call the different cores cpus. But even a Mikrocontroller has a all that.

    You need a cpu to run linux. If you just want to rin a “program” you can do that with logic gates and no alu or control unit but that would limit the form of your program to exactly that circuit.

  • Well the “super computer” argument is just not good because this wasnt an all purpose computer. This was specially build for this task. There are tons of special purpose chips today that wont be able to do general purpuse computing but crush a beefy pc in special tasks. Video encoding for example or tons of other tasks.