Every one I have is, have never really had to throw one away till the flint grinds down, even then those are replaceable too.
Both valid points. I will still need some time to take this all into consideration.
For a brief moment I thought kick-ass was finally getting a spin-off. Big sad face.
Right? I see it as a bonus that chat doesn’t work.
I need poob in my life.
I must need to read the book to get it because like the person above you I just couldn’t get with the story it was telling. I agree it was a well done movie and wanted to like it, but I found my attention drifting frequently when I saw it.
Oh damn how could I not find it??? Must not be available in the region I was searching because I scrolled through 13 pages of shirts and it didn’t show! I ironically want one
Edit: ok so it didn’t show in the men’s shirts section but I found it under general apparel. I don’t wanna give them any money but the temptation is great.
In case anyone wanted to buy one of those sweet shirts he inadvertently plugged in the clip, I checked the Boeing store and it appears they have pulled it already.
regardless of the cost
Whoa slow down there!
I wonder if this would’ve happened if they had stuck with their decision to monetize tiddies.
Website: asks me to disable adblocker.
Me: guess I won’t be seeing that list then.
How hooked are you that you can’t stop for an hour to workout? Also, wouldn’t the smoking be hindering the workout? I worked out less than an hour after smoking once and struggled a bit to get through it.
Ha ha! Dangly parts
I constantly ask this at work/irl and when they frantically search their inbox for said “thing”, I die a little inside.
Ha ha! Cookies on dowels!
Speaking of sweet Black Friday deals, I came across this gem recently and chuckled a bit, the nerve.
I think the joke works because people have been pushed for years to be ashamed of pointing out certain anatomical parts out of fear of being accused of such things that you mentioned, making it an all around taboo topic. A breast is a breast and a thigh is a thigh, regardless of sex. There’s no shame in admiring such features if they’re pleasing to the eye (or in the case of the post, taste), we are visual animals after all and the human body is a biological marvel that can cause awe. And no, I don’t think it’s a common question. Perhaps amongst the socially inept, but it’s always been rude and shallow to objectify people based off their physical features. Dehumanizing? Depends on the context. Everyone has preferences, whether you verbalize it or not. In this case, you are being asked for your preference and to verbalize it. I don’t understand what part of that is dehumanizing, we’re not reducing anything here, just pointing out a preference. To say there’s not a part of a body that makes you go 👀 on occasion would be insincere, as something as simple as ordering chicken proves.
It’s a good thing we’re talking chicken titties and not women titties then.
Steamy, heartwarming shit