I started using it regularly after many previous failed attempts when Twitter died. Same for Pinterest oddly. I use them for similar but distinct things.
Ramenjunkie@retro.pizza (Masto) | bloggingintensifies.com (Blog)
I started using it regularly after many previous failed attempts when Twitter died. Same for Pinterest oddly. I use them for similar but distinct things.
I don’t mind OneDrive sync, I like it honestly.
What I absolutely do not want, is my Desktop on One Drive. For starters, its often a scratch place. I don’t want it instantly pushing 6GB of photos I just pulled off my camera’s memory card to the cloud before I can sorr them.
I have my files meticulously organized in hierarchical folders that sync across all my devices through One Drive and to my NAS through One Drive.
I hate that Microsoft wants to dump everything in Documents.
Also, for SOME FUCKING REASON, my work system, wants to put everything into the root of One Drive. Like fuck please put it in Documents at least. I don’t want ANYTHING in the root folder if I can avoid it, aside from maybe the occasional super special thing.
Billionaires are always the enemy.
You do not get to even 1 billion without causing massive indirect harm to a shitload of people. No one, no one, every, has put in enough to “earn” 1 billion. The vast majority of people will work their entire lives and be lucky to have a gross total income of a few million. Thats Gross, not worth or wealth, thats, “I took money in and spent it to live.”
I would argue anyone worth much over 10 million is in the same harm causing boat as billionaires.
It makes me angry when I see people talk about how getting a raise would be bad for them because it would put them in a new tax bracket.
Like dude, no, it won’t be worse. Thats not how that works.
Bottom Glass on the Left. Cracking and potentially about to make it all topple over.
It seems you can’t interact using Mastodon, but you can follow Lemmy with Mastodon. Mostly just wasn’t sure because in some ways the Fediverse seems more connected and more into the idea of “follow everywhere”, but also it seems like its not quite at “one account everywhere.”
Except they may have policies that tell them they can’t contract with anyone who uses DEInpolicies now.
Which is basically, everyone.
I have a question.
How, if possible, can I log in to say, discuss.online above, with this account.
Or do I need to make a second account over there.
I am using the jerboa app at the moment if that helps.
Also, related, is there a way to just, use my Mastodon account, and drop this one completely?
The shitty part is, what does that even mean?
“Hey, they hired a black dude, better report it to the DEI Snitch list.”
Its just a weird open invitation for assholery.
You start with vlogs you like.
Then see who they have in their blog roll.
More seriousl, I have literally used RSS regular since like 2006 or so. And I will NEVER forgive Google for killing Reader.
Anyway, what I mean to say is, its just a growing process. Someone links an article and you say, “Well, this sote seems interesting” and you stick it in your RSS reader.
Next thing you know you are pulling 1000-2000 articles a day, even with limiting filters.
One last bit of advice. Most systems let you export your subs.
Yes, that’s the idea. I am “virtuous” and want to signal that you are bing “unvirtuois.”
It really helps that increasingly the internet just feels shittier and shittier so people actually WANT to “touch grass”.
Party of hate wants to become the progressive party.
Yeah, fuck that, fuck those people.
I want to not be fatalist and doomer. And if this were 2016, I would agree. But we had 8 years of everything Trump and his crew of assholes want on full display for 8+ years, and people STILL picked him.
This is what people want.
And I ran out of fucks back in like 2020.
At this point, I just want to be sure to point and laugh at every Trumper who gets serious ill or loses their Social Sexurity or gets deported etc etc over these policies they chose.
I want to laugh and go “hah hah” in Nelson style, every time.
It may also be that someone does not WANT to be promoted. I get high praise from higher ups, everyone iny group comes to me for suggestions and advice.
I am, pretty low on the totem pole. I have no desire to move up to a position where Inspend more time making spreadsheets into lies tomplease upper management than doing actual tangible work. Plus the company seems like its always fucking over managers randomly the higher you go. Feels more secure down here.
They added some pretty cool daily puzzle games last year. I have been using it for those, and only those. I really dif the Queens game, I couldn’t find a version of it to play elsewhere.