The innovation argument is shaky at best many of the corporations innovations are brought or copied really. Is a story that became pretty common in the latest decades one guy come with a good idea some other mofo takes it and profits with it.
The innovation argument is shaky at best many of the corporations innovations are brought or copied really. Is a story that became pretty common in the latest decades one guy come with a good idea some other mofo takes it and profits with it.
Puts into perspective that right or wrong are a social construct don’t ya? What we should consider is in what is based our right and wrong.
Sometimes was awesome but many times it develved into the wrongest shit of all no wonder it ended up dying.
As a Spanish speaker the joke does make sense as is referring to how Spanish is usually spoken but it misses the detail that there’s now the use of new gendered words.
Is really hard to explain in just a post but is a preview substantives in Spanish have a gender even things that you wouldn’t consider gendered they have it it affects the use of the words and how you address people.
For example a simple word like “the” note that table is mesa and book es libro sona simple translation like
The table >becomes> La mesa
The book >becomes> El libro
The translates to La or El depending of the “gender” of the word. Is not that we consider every book male and every table female but we use gendered pronouns for objects and there is gendered words for everything that refers to a person. For example nurse translates to Enfermero or Enfermera depending if you talk about a msle or female person respectively, note the word ends in o or a now the troubles are if you’re using plurals it will be Enfermeros and Enfermeras and the first refers to a group of people that can be all male or mixed male and female but the second refers to a group of people that is only composed of females and worse of all nonbinary people are not comprehended into any of this. You see the language is always throwing everything into male female bins even unwillingly and for a non gender conforming person that’s hell. Now we could fill a book with how we are handling it but it has been tried to use the letter e returning to the nurse examples it will be Enfermere but the particle now is Le Enfermere and Les Enfermeres and now the second would be totally gender neutral and refers to a group of nurse people no matter the sex. But there’s a truckload more nuances. General neutral and how we use it is an ongoing problem in Spanish that we haven’t fixed it yet, and there’s no general concensus Of where is going.
Stupid question of the day does this compete with the fediverse or it goes along it? Not pointing fingers just curious.
Does anyone knows if this will be just for show or they’ll actually gonna do something?
Surprising no one jumped onto you with thw revanced suggestions.
It will be a game of cat and mouse until it will become a unintelligible verbatim.
Absolutely SDXL with loras already can do a lot of what it was thought impossible.