It it was a fair deal, investment from the US to build more infrastructures, doubling their investment capacity to mine stuff.
It it was a fair deal, investment from the US to build more infrastructures, doubling their investment capacity to mine stuff.
3 competing possibilities
Hitler did not only have yesmen for his wars. There was even plots against him late in the war and he killed a lot of them too.
It’s roughly 1 death for 3-4 injured and out of combat
I’m so glad I have actually good friends we can compliment and joke around without feeling uncomfortable ahah.
It’s several cooperative and competitives projects. Diversity is not bad for science anyway. ITER itself involve tons of countries.
No tech will give you a better timeline, back on the floor please ^^ It’s a political problem before anything else, and energy production is far from being the first problem.
Article said 2.6GJ input, 2.6 output so 1Q, but I’m not certain it’s really the case.
Edit: I can’t find my source back, so it’s likely false
Oui mais http ne peut pas être backdoré, contrairement aux messageries chiffrées. Parce que https c’est le protocole de chiffrement qui protege les comms avec ta banque et la leur. Https encapsule le contenu des comms donc si tu envoie un message chiffré avec un messagerie p2p, le fai ne peut en principe pas savoir qu’il s’agit d’une messagerie chiffrée car il y a la couche de chiffrement du https par dessus.
C’est imaginable de backdorer signal, mais pas une app p2p opensource audité correctement imo. Sauf totalitarisme type Corée du nord bien sûr.
Bof, on a https devant quand même, et une identification, et il existe plusieurs messageries p2p fonctionnelles donc impossible à bloquer avant qu’on passe en full totalitarisme donc bon.
I’m almost sure it’s “don’t be woke” today
Ah ok I though it was you said I should tell my (Elon Musk) friend to stop doing shit and get help so that was hillariousx)
Nah, conservative and liars always use the “i don’t know” “i don’t remember” “it’s not me” cards. It’s always a lie, they know, they remember, they are responsible.
Ahahah that’s a good joke, it took me a minute to catch
Un homme en état de mort cérébrale après des tirs de la sûreté ferroviaire à la gare d’Austerlitz à Paris
Mais c’est quoi la news ici, il était pas déjà en état de mort cerebrale avant le tir, quand il taguait des croix gammées sur la gare ?
Candace Owens […] est une commentatrice politique américaine, proche de Donald Trump, et liée depuis 2017 au mouvement conservateur. Wikipedia (FR)
I’ve autistic friend, she’s not a nazi. He’s just a cruel and rich sociopath.
but it does also stop the butcher from selling you a pork steak that isn’t actually pork, so that’s a bonus.
or maybe it’s just a translation error haha
Ahah Tesla is like a 2000s knock-off of good existing technology