Damn, it’s fucked enough that even the neoliberal thinktanks are starting to get spook.
Damn, it’s fucked enough that even the neoliberal thinktanks are starting to get spook.
You know what they say about people who live in glass houses…
That’s a surprisingly narrow definition.
So do you look at something like a Studebaker Commander Coupe and go “well obviously that’s modern”?
You sunk my battleship!
The Saab Aerospace marketing team just looks on at this exchange in dismay.
This “use executive orders to bluff until people treat them like actual laws” strategy is starting to get really annoying.
I believe Robespierre had lead a period of time known as the “reign of good times and normal vibes” where they all formed committees to talk out and mediate the the problems of the system they lived under.
You guys are getting helpdesk jobs?
The Lavender Scare overlapped rather heavily with the Second Red Scare.
That’s the same thing they’d say to a cancer patient.
The lengths I go to avoid swimming in public pools are unprecedented.
The difference being that Covid took a scientific breakthrough to make a vaccine for (as various factors about the virus were unprecedented) while flu variants are very much a known thing as far as virology goes.
The feds already have a reserve of human-safe H5N1 vaccines, the only thing preventing them from using that when SHTF is ideology. It will be both completely prepared for and completely preventable.
Finnestride is a gateway drug, it was almost inevitable that I had to move on to something harder.
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The whole point is to remove the legal backing of the orders such that anyone who isn’t already not complying out of a sense of morals but is enough of a mook to stop because “it’s law” also stops complying.
The whole game is to bluff people into complying with any shit they want preemptively because there’s no way in hell they’d get such policies through official channels.
Every so often I hold a microsd card and I think about how much storage is on that pinky-nailed sized $20 device. Compared to ancient hard drives it is one of the few things that makes me remember “oh shit I live in the future”.
That or we’d overspec into stem education and neglect humanities until we get a whole generation of genius niche engineers who will sit down and gladly explain the most eugenicist viewpoint you’ve ever head from a living human in your entire life the moment you ask them a single question related to social issues…
Oh wait.
Giving them more than two senators might lead to a senate that isn’t perpetually gridlocked. That makes them dangerously close to being able to pass progressive legislation instead of nothing but mandatory funding bills with 37 pages worth of riders and pork.
To be honest, not really. Call me isolated but idea you are describing sounds more like a bunch of tactless mooks making asses of themselves than an existential threat. Shame that poisons the well on using egg in a self-referential context since that’s the more benign definition (and the one transfems use more, anecdotally - but since when has anything transfems done online ever not been reappropriated in bad faith?). Still I can tell now that this is one of those arguments on the internet where about two people have a disagreement about something and don’t realize they have two entirely separate definitions of a word until 14 comments down.
I think that has more to do with ending production on the LX Platform Challenger / Charger tbh. They haven’t quite managed to gather the same hype among domestic car nerds with their replacements as those old boats had.