A live volcano chain is not somewhere I would build a bunker.
A live volcano chain is not somewhere I would build a bunker.
“Gold among the garbage” sums up AI very nicely.
Daily. Mostly Spotify and Youtube or when I don’t want to listen to my wife.
I read that article too. They know when you’ve been recreating Shakespeares “beast with two backs” in your car. Creepy stuff.
Hostile Hostel
I just bought a car and my wife keeps wanting me to look at all the “final notice” crap we keep getting. I told her if it isn’t from our insurance company then toss it.
Soak a large sponge in cornstarch, wrap as small as possible with rubber bands, let dry, cut rubber bands then flush a hand full of these down the toilet.
Solid recommendations. I would add Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series by Tad Williams.
“Ex-Twitter” So now he’s a “Twas”
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou!
Don’t send it to the landfill! I bet you could make a few stainless steel sinks out of it.
I can confirm this. My friends neighbor had a DeLorean and it sat in the driveway covered in a tarp waiting for “parts” 98% of the time. I can count the times I saw him drive it on one hand.
To be fair, Tesla makes better vehicles than Playskool.
I wrote a hit song with the Rolling Stones and was able to sing the whole thing when I woke up. It was gone by lunch time.
Where? Up the @$$, thats where.
It’s obviously magic. Muggles 🙄
Where does this leave Led Zeppelin? Am I guiding said Zeppelin somewhere?
The “e” is silent.
You just described my retirement plans.
But it would make a great movie!