Well, it exists. Some sects of Buddhism don’t consider the devas/asuras gods. Buddha himself went on to say divinity on its own shouldn’t inspire worship.
Well, it exists. Some sects of Buddhism don’t consider the devas/asuras gods. Buddha himself went on to say divinity on its own shouldn’t inspire worship.
Judaism and Buddhism. They even have a name, “jubu”. Robert Downy Jr. of all people went into length on this.
My dad calls himself a BuJew Cath, which is Buddhist, Jewish and Catholic. “How does Jewish and Catholic work together?” you might ask. The answer is, it doesn’t. My dad is insane. He does it to prevent people from accusing him of being close-minded and so he can claim he’s a minority.
In such an instance, I go by a rule. If someone is going to say they want their religion to be respected in some instances, they should follow it in all instances. For example, don’t ask a taxi client to take their dog out of the taxi due to you being a Muslim only for you to go home and eat pork which is anti-Islamic.
Most religions don’t explicitly say “you can’t believe anything else”, just small claims like “there is only one creator god” or “wear a hat in church” when others might say “don’t wear a hat”.
When Christianity took over Greece, the Greek gods became demonic entities and never completely went away.
Username checks out.
I’ve noticed that’s a common one. And one of my favorites.
Yes. Alright, suppose you were raised Shinto. Shinto doctrine has a limited range of what they claim and doesn’t call dibs on a whole lot regarding what to make an origin about. Then suppose you went to Australia and thought “I like the Dreamtime beliefs, I want to see if I believe in it”. Supposing the matters discussed by Australian mythology doesn’t intersect with the matters discussed in Shintoism, you can be both. It wouldn’t be like Judaism and Hinduism where, in one, there are declarations of being one god and one son of god, while in the other, there’s a whole ecosystem of gods and avatars.
According to that worldview, would the great peacemaker be seen more historically or more mythologically?
Considering the infinite gravity of black holes, probably both.
You calling people out as a form of jest almost seems indicative of trolling.
A lot of Christians are Pagan. They either found a way to incorporate Pagan gods as angels or change the semantics up a little. This was common among the Irish, and the Aztecs actually ended up seeing the Christian god and saying “hey it’s one of our own” rather than the Christians modifying the Aztec beliefs.
Some Christians are Buddhist, either because they are Catholic and believe the Buddha was canonized under a slightly altered narrative or because they found an interpretation of the Buddhist teachings that don’t conflict with Christian ideas.
Also, some interpretations of Judaism are atheistic. Some readings of Genesis omit the interpretation that he made the universe, just the Earth (which a lot of Mormons use to claim God comes from a lineage of gods, something that oddly feels more satisfying than the traditional Christian view).
Then you admit the accusations of her being an art thief are just speculation?
It’s not, she’s just using the wording as a joke. In my country, the word “steamy” isn’t even NSFW, it just denotes steam.
Sure, just as long as I get to accuse you of false accusations of art theft, based on those screenshots (which further prove you just came here to slander the poor girl). Those images you accuse her of stealing were traded to her via art trade, she went into detail about that some time ago.
The first one is admittedly vague. She says it’s a reference to the steamed hams meme. She was inviting him over to an unforgettable luncheon.
The second one I don’t know. She might not understand shipping. Mike and Brian didn’t.
Because they’re deleted, duh.
That moment when you’re more interested in championing osmiography than you are just doing the regular picture routine.