My opinion on Linux is that it’s (only) good for lightweight computing / mobile computing.
Such as Rasperry pis and Android devices.
A❤️ ~ 28.12.18
Gamer/ DM’s are open
My opinion on Linux is that it’s (only) good for lightweight computing / mobile computing.
Such as Rasperry pis and Android devices.
I’d consider myself a nerd but still prefer Windows.
Some years ago I was in a Vocational college for IT and I had to deal with Ubuntu, Debian and Opensuse. I hated every second of it. I also had to deal with iMacs but that’s another story.
I found some English articles:
Muslim with knife in synagouge in 2019
most recent attack on a synagouge
I couldn’t find an English source for the stuff from the central council of jews, but a German one.
the part where pro-palestinian protesters attack jews and synagogues. This happened some years ago here in Germany and happens now again.
The german central council of jews is aware of this and has been complaining about the rising number of antisemitic attacks by Muslims for many years now.
I was saying that renting an apartment in the wrong street is a factor for a bad credit score here in Germany.
Edit: you can’t move into another apartment with a bad creditscore
Let me guess, you are a murican?
usually I love to shit on muricans, But Germany has something similar. A private company called “Schufa”. This private company secretly calculates your credit score (no one knows realy how they calculate it) which determines if you get an apartment (for rent) or not. Living in the wrong street already kills your credit score here.
If the Schufa doesnt have information about you, it counts as negative.
A two legged creature without feathers.
I ain’t gonna eat my cereals with water
IF there is going the be a subscription based windows version, it’s most likely going the be the cloud version of Windows 11
God doesn’t respond to prayers.
he would reply to Op by t-posing him and spitting into his face to assert dominance.
the B-Tier power I’d choose is to control bees
yes the pun is intended
please refill my bankaccount
Be careful what you wish for, your superpower could just remove your toes.
So basically being markiplier?
Even spiders are afraid of spiders.
not only political but also a jojos reference
Muricans be like: let’s make centrists look bad by using strawman arguments.
Also muricans: yeah only voting for shit or shit lite® definitively isn’t a problem and voting 3rd party is throwing away my vote