They lease inmates to Wendy’s so I wouldn’t be surprised
They lease inmates to Wendy’s so I wouldn’t be surprised
They couldn’t flee with everything, most of their assets are things we pay to use every day.
Jesus was never real and was not recorded by dozens of scribes that were in the place at the same time (one famous example was debunked hundreds of years ago). He’s a sun-god astrological myth, like Horus and others before and they all share similar attributes.
His purpose was to signal the start of the age of Pisces (two fish), and the winter solstice will see the sun rise (after 3 days of apparent stagnation) in the Aquarius constellation in 2150 or so. His resurrection is celebrated at Spring equinox, or Easter, when the sun finally overpowers the darkness.
His purpose regarding factualization was a political move by the Romans and the Catholic church, setting the calendar year 1 to the start of the age of Pisces.
I think a decent response here would be to boycott processed foods
Only less than the profit he made. He’s also a fraudster and abuser and deserves to be in jail.
This is the plane from Dune
No vehicles should really be zero emissions since 1/3 of microplastics are tire particles
You can actually write in a $0 tip to the platform
Linking the WSOP website literally anywhere on Reddit:
This could be any person. Show up to your local church and report them to the IRS if they endorse any candidate.
A screen is legally required for the backup camera in the US since 2016.
Always remember: No one is immune to propaganda
This should be illegal, like in South Korea
Have you tried Last Epoch? You don’t need wiki or 3rd party tools at all at least. It’s been great to try different synergies between the relatively simple skill trees and class masteries.
Zelle, owned by Early Warning Services, LLC, owned by Bank of America, Truist, Capital One, JPMorgan Chase, PNC Bank, US Bank, and Wells Fargo? That Zelle?
Shit sucks don’t use it
What’s the best way to salt your LinkedIn profile to provide bad data for GenAI improvements?
People should stop investing in private prisons too. Most people are through the bank they use or the contents of the funds their 401k chooses for them.
I’d love to know how to get a refund.
Sony made a social media post. Original date for PsN requirement was June. During the backlash, over 100 countries were delisted. They still are. The current situation is still much worse than launch.
Tax “wealth”, not “work”!