OP is a troll. see the account is very new since all former accounts of that user recently got instance banned at least on blahaj.zone. Not sure if they are just very confused, maniac, or actual alt-right, all i know is no point in engageing with them. this is my advice to block them.
to be fair, this is the image the center parties have and upkeep. I, as a farly left person, already question if this seperation to right extremism will still be upheld in 4 years. Our Center-right partie CDU falls more and more for populist rethoric, which reminds me of the republicans or the toris.
So what you have been told is not wrong per se. But there is a significant amount of people in the country and politicans in the parlaiment, that argue the seperation between right exremism and center parties did already collaps behind the scenes.