All trans women/trans athletes should be banned from sports competition because 2 happened to out-perform their cis peers? What a pathetically reactionary argument. This comment right here perfectly exemplifies the transphobic mindset.
Here’s an idea: why don’t you post actual peer-reviewed studies and evidence of trans athletes outperforming their peers on average due to being trans? Oh wait, you can’t. Because there’s literally zero empirical evidence of that being the case.
And the fact that you pivoted so quickly away from Phelps for some reactionary anecdote says it all.
I’ve never seen people care this much about Micheal Phelps biological atheletic advantage. That alone tells me that this argument is disingenuous and a way to be transphobic in a public way.
There are actual verified cases of olympic tier athletes winning because of their biological make-up. And yet the only time biological advantage is brought up is to shill tranphobic talking points. You don’t even have to be trans to be accused of being trans. These same people claiming to be advocates of women’s sport are the same people who will falsely accuse biological women of being biological men
I don’t argue with idiots
Not reading all that. Fuck off, transphobe
If Harris was president we’d be seeing failure after continued failure to properly put Trump in prison. Which is my exact point. The US government will protect Trump, and as an extension fascists, regardless of who is interested white house. Not even in just the US, but internationally.
Even when Biden was president it was rare to see any insurrectionist get more than 10 years in prison. And that was with a DoJ that should have been ruthless in every instance.
The solution? The system is too big to sustain itself. The US is an ouroborus that will not live out the century at this rate. The best answer I can see is a balkanized and restructured US. At least then there is a good chance of seeing a less widespread amount of damage on the world stage from a dying, flailing empire.
Yeah, because voting automatically makes every single fascist/imperialist element from a government disappear. Something that’s been building up in the US since the early 20th century and fostered by nearly every aspect of the US government. Even in roles that have no elected position. Yeah, voting would have definitely saved us. 🙄
This is why no one who understands the US system takes this line of thinking seriously.
And yet Biden supplied it at the same rate Trump has. Despite multiple people insisting that Biden was better, which he wasn’t. Biden supplied the genocide just as much, and actually over-saw it as the vast majority of Gaza was flattened.
You could at least put some effort into it. Back in the days we would at least get the Marine Copypasta or something.
What an incredibly boring troll you are.
The thing is a very obvious death trap to anyone that knows simple physics. There are videos testing what happens when a Cybertruck hits a hard wall at certain speeds. That thing didn’t crumple at all until speeds greater than 35 mph. And even then it only barely crumples at all. The damage it could produce hitting another vehicle would be catastrophic and fatal.
Only people as intelligent as Trump think that’s going to happen. Israel will never cede land, not even to the US. This is an excuse for Israel to continue leveling and exterminating the Palestinian people as they have been since Oct 7th, 2023 (and prior)
Again, what has Trump actually done that has sped up or armed the genocide that Biden already hasn’t? The way I see it is that it’s the same level of support. The only difference being that Trump is mask off about the entire thing.
Proof? I see this claimed constantly with absolutely zero evidence. Some people claim that Trump approved 2,000 lbs bombs that were stopped under Biden, but that isn’t true since Biden never truly stopped them. Biden claimed to have stopped sending 2,000 lbs bombs, but continued to do so anyways during his tenure. What has Trump done outside of enable the same genocide that was already taking place?
Trump is an idiot and a fascist. But I would like to see any evidence that he somehow sped up or made the genocide worse. Even the recent $7.4 billion that Trump approved doesnt compare. Its not even the biggest sale of weapons to Israel this year considering the sale approved under Biden before he left office. How much was the amount Biden sent? It was $8 billion.
Hard disagree. Those who didn’t vote said exactly what they stood for. Dems had the power, and completely ignored it and didn’t get voted in as a result.
If you’re blaming non-voters you’re just causing unnecessary division amongst the left. The US has been fascist for a long time. And everything happening has been a long time coming. Trump is a symptom, not the cause.
Had to come back to tell you that you’re completely wrong. The US sent a fuckton of 2000 lbs bombs to Israel during the Biden administration. At least 10,000 of said bombs. Shipments only paused in May of 2024, again as a political maneuver. Even the article points out how the supposed “pauses” did nothing to halt weapons going to Israel from the US during the Biden administration. This is why I’m not bothering with you. Because you don’t know what you’re talking about.
An amount that is largely the same, and the bombs that were already sent from Biden leveled the vast majority of Gaza along with its population. You’ve also failed to address any of the other points I’ve made, so this is where I stop wasting my time.
And I’m telling you the genocide is largely unchanged. The only difference is the names on the weapons heading into Israel and the rhetoric. But anyone paying attention knows that the rhetoric changes nothing. The only difference is that the US is mask off about supporting genocide now.
But what advantage do women without a vagina have versus one that does? What if they didn’t go through cis puberty? How do we knows trans woman have an innate advantage instead of being effectively handicapped by their hormone treatment? This is my entire point. People want to ban Trans women specifically because of a reactionary feeling of “its not fair” while having zero evidence. There are like 2 cases where a trans athlete outperformed their cis peers. Yet the way some people (not you specifically) act you’d think trans women are sweeping every sports competition.
In my opinion, it comes down more to being exclusionary towards trans woman. More-so then it ever was about “protecting women’s sports”. I don’t think that everyone that wants to bar trans women thinks this way. But people like Charlie Kirk 100% do and will abuse that at every turn. This is the same man that calls June “Groomer month”.