The Watchmen. Everyone thought Ozymandias was the supreme evil but what he did ultimately saved billions of lives.
The Watchmen. Everyone thought Ozymandias was the supreme evil but what he did ultimately saved billions of lives.
Ken Paxton should be under the jail.
My understanding is a number of Palestinians gathered over the rumors of aid being delivered. The IDF got nervous seeing so many in one location and shot the crowd. Numbers from yesterday were over 100 dead and 700+ wounded.
I.Q. of a cucumber. What a dumbass. A dude even screams, “I don’t need guns here I need a FIRE EXTINGUISHER!”
Braniac just keeps shifting his stance, repointing the thing as people try and help him.
You only earn so much, though. Once you finish with requisitions it’s buy only
Maybe it’s weird to ask but… did they destroy them? I don’t see that written anywhere so maybe it’s obvious? Dunno
Baby steps man, baby steps. The fact that one of the has a line is a start.
We might have different memories. What makes Jon special is that he will lampoon hypocrisy wherever he finds it. In this mass media corporate scrubbed lobby-paid world that makes him a diamond.
Thankfully there are alternatives out there, and we should be using them.
They don’t. The message right now is to boycott Spotify.
Someone stole $40 million of EA’s money and didn’t advertise another horrible cashgrab?
“I’m not even mad, I’m… impressed!”
I think he’s right, but is anyone else annoyed at the suggestion that anyone is truly ‘provoked’ by weakness. Prob just a translation thing?
Oh yeah def picking this one up! What a Starship Troopers game should have been! looking at you, Extermination
For those not in the mood to read, saved you a click but thank you for the link @jordanlund!
The history of impeachment in the United States is important to understanding the Bill Clinton saga. The Founding Fathers wrote impeachment—originally a Roman political institution—into the constitution for the purpose of removing an official who had “rendered himself obnoxious,” in the words of Benjamin Franklin. Without impeachment, Franklin argued, citizens’ only recourse was assassination, which would leave the political official “not only deprived of his life but of the opportunity of vindicating his character.”
It would be best, Franklin argued, “to provide the Constitution for the regular punishment of the Executive when his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be justly accused.”
The bottom line here is that if anyone manages to eliminate prosecution for acts performed while they are president, expect the Punisher. In fact, while I don’t normally support violence, I’d have to say it’s a patriot’s duty.
Totally agree. I’m not sure why everyone focuses so hard on determining how many letters there are in their alphabet. 5 years from now it might be totally diff. It would be so refreshing if people simply said “Here’s what floats my boat today”
It’s almost like hearing a guy say he heard something from another guy is hearsay! Who knew??
At the same time who cares more about their job, this guy or the guy who ran off to Cancun xD
No, and you wonder why presidents keep pressing to give themselves more executive authority. The screaming children in Congress who never learned how to share are about to give the American people one more nothing-sandwich, just like every meal we’ve been served for decades.
You remember that recent story about the fact that we can seemingly go to war without Congress’ approval? Yeah, just imagine trying to get these twats to agree to do anything militarily. They’d still be arguing after the smoke cleared.
The ‘fun’ adjective means everyone’s answers will be different! For me, exercising is good even if many times it ends up being a VR adventure or workout.
I enjoy growing a small garden! You might not xD
Pick up some acting classes and volunteer down at the local theatre to learn more about yourself, your expression to others, learn the intricacies of a great classic story and make new friends!
Really, just pick something and go to the moon with it
There are no applicable laws that I know about, and as a voice actor I am similarly concerned. There is a lot of focus on this in the industry atm, but we all know how glacially slow government moves. SAG-AFTRA and NAVA have this as a focus currently, and I’m watching with interest.