Voting takes you V minutes?! Wish I were that lucky, it was a day long ordeal for me. Feels like the sort of thing you should just be able to do on an app given modern technology.
Voting takes you V minutes?! Wish I were that lucky, it was a day long ordeal for me. Feels like the sort of thing you should just be able to do on an app given modern technology.
Oh man, do capybaras eat crocodile ticks? Or just having that adorable fuck around a mad PR move.
IDK what to tell you, sleep on a bed of crocs long enough and find out.
Hrm, so what do you think? Accelerationism? Don’t want no unnecessary violence but don’t see sucking establishment dick werkin’ to whit.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those capybaras do eventually get vored by those crocodiles. Thing is crocodiles only have to eat like once every two weeks, but them lazing around in the between period doesn’t make for exciting footage.
This is a solid premise for a pretty metal music video.
To be honest I feel like this is a candle that’s going to burn bright too fast and the country will quickly fall into complacency.
Prove me wrong, America, prove me wrong.
When it reaches a point where your opposition is belligerent to grievance, mockery is the best option.
What frustrates me this is that ideally people can be who they are (I feel like being gay/trans whatever falls comfortably in this, obviously we don’t want Jeffery Dahmer types living their best lives) and this sentiment is so ubiquitous there is no compunction to have pride month, that sort of thing. However, I don’t think that’s the angle conservatives are atting this with thus creating the need for it. They did this to themselves with their bigotry.
I’m hanging on to see how this turns out. Some political analysis says Trump is mainly a vessel to collect the glory of being president doing his thing, while the ghouls behind the curtains whispering into his easily manipulated narcissistic head are steering.
It’s not fitting it on the hat that’s the problem, it’s making it catchy. Just say the whole thing, that’s more impactful.