So, of an estimated 348 million Americans, roughly 3 million, less than 1%, please note, work for the US federal government directly (the Armed Forces are a separate matter and a separate budget). Of those, DOGE has managed to lay off slightly over 2%, while spending 14.4 million dollars on its own operations in just the period of time between January 30 and February 8: after that, no figures have been released.
Why do I keep hearing my Mom’s voice muttering Penny wise, pound foolish?
Um… no. Having been an adult in the 1970s, I can testify that people read a great deal more then than they do now, and among the things they read were such optimistic tomes as 1984, I Am Legend, The Death of Grass, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? or anything else by Philip K. Dick, The Egghead Republic, anything by Kurt Vonnegut, Silent Spring, the works of Harlan Ellison, and I could go on. Problem was then what it is now: corporations can pay for and broadcast lies faster and louder than a whole lot of worried people can yell and point and warn*. Don’t be fooled by selective hindsight: there were a whole lot of people getting pretty nervous, even in the 1970s, and being told we were worrying needlessly because history could only move one way…
*To quote Jonathan Swift (the probable originator of the idea that Terry Pratchett brought to Millennials) " Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it." (1710)