Seats moving up and down on bumpy road.
Car sensor : sexual activity in progress.
Seats moving up and down on bumpy road.
Car sensor : sexual activity in progress.
Apologies don’t help much. The two women should ask for full refund of money spent plus additional $10k each for forced cleaning. Fuck the pilot and the supervisor.
After a supervisor reiterated that they would have to sit in the soiled seats, the two women were “reluctantly” provided blankets, wipes and vomit bags to clean the area themselves, according to Benson.
Creepy-droid. It’s head and feet are facing forward and the body in between is rotating freely.
Dig a large pit 20 feet deep and fill it with fire ants. Drop these demons in that pit and live stream it till they are completely eaten by the ants.
Why don’t the sports federations just make a new trans category? Instead of all these medical tests for years and other complicated things, make a new category. Instead of only one person playing, let 10 other trans people play.
I had a miui phone and they only update their own apps and the phone with ads or unwanted apps. They only gave one Android update after a year and no monthly security updates. Plus their updates break things or make phone slower. They say a lot of things but don’t follow through.
Stay calm. We’re just taking this and this and this from your territory. No need to get so worked up. Don’t know why you’re getting so angry.
I take it when i have some symptoms of vitamin deficiency like if you’re sitting in one place and get up and you feel some weird sensation in the legs or hands. Like hundreds of ants running inside the veins. Or when I forget to drink water and get dehydrated and the body loses vitamins. I usually don’t take such meds.
What’s stopping India from publishing their own maps with Chinese territory included in them? Add Tibet and some other neighbouring counties of China into Indian territory and say it’s India.
but also so that people get trusted components
no, most of the companies here just assemble or put a made in india sticker on stuff and sell it here. no customer service, no warranty service even with items having warranty. they just blame the customer for everything and try to charge us a lot of money to do anything. i wouldn’t trust anything made in india. infact if it’s made in india - it’s rubbish. just e waste being sold to us.
example - there’s about a dozen companies selling ssd’s and hard drives for around 25% cheaper than the established brands with 3-5 year warranty but those devices don’t last long. ssd’s fail in months or before a year. same with mechanical hdd’s. same with usb pen drives or sdcards. let’s say they are similar to overpriced alibaba trash components.
I was expecting one of those Addam’s family contraption, but this is similar i guess.
Not American, so i wanted to know whether a customer can really complain and get a worker fired. I read a lot of posts on reddit where people used to brag about getting workers fired for some silly mistakes. Reading that was weird. Do employers really fire employees just because someone complained on the phone due to some silly reason? Do companies believe the customer story more than the employee story? Why the need to fire anyone? Just tell the customer it’s none of their business.
I’d like to see the asteroid that finished off the dinos and Mount Vesuvius erupting.
try 1dm app on playstore. it has a browser where you can tap a button and see the videos in the page that can be downoaded.
If you like laid back walking videos then ABitOfAWander
No wonder Americans say you need a car to go around. Looking at the videos you can get a sense of vastness and how lonely/deserted the place is.
Is it turning into a real porn site now?
They’ll snatch some poor people’s food to feed him.
No bots or people posting the same videos/posts that get 1k+ karma trying to make money by selling accounts.
According to him, billions of Intel processors are affected, which are used in private user computers as well as in cloud servers.
Update: Intel’s Downfall was closely followed by AMD’s Inception, a newfound security hole affecting all Ryzen and Epyc processors.
so both desktop and server chips are affected on both cpu manufacturers products. can’t take any measures if your password is online on some server.