I see this rhetoric a lot and I really dislike it and find it actively harmful to people with ADHD.
ADHD, at least mine, would absolutely still be a mental illness outside of modern society. My doesn’t care if I’m remembering where I put down my phone or where I put down my sandwich, I still misplace them either way. At work being without my medication makes it difficult to keep track of my responsibilities. At home it makes it difficult to keep track of doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning the house. You don’t suddenly lose all responsibilities and idle tasks without a modern society, your responsibilities and tasks just become different. And my ADHD couldn’t give two shits what those responsibilities and idle tasks are, I’m going to struggle with them either way without medication.
Dismissing ADHD as not a mental illness but a symptom of modern society is not only incorrect at it’s most basic level, it also implies that people like me could be “normal” IF “x, y, or z” conditions were met. That idea is just blatantly untrue and just perpetuates the dismissive and uncompromising stance that many people take towards individuals with ADHD.
I don’t have a computer nice enough to play games, so I’m going to have to wait for it to come out on console again anyway.
You sound like you’ve already closed your mind to the discussion, but in case you’re actually still willing to healthily engage in the discussion here is a really good video about why calling people who utilize AI in their work “hacks and grifters” is a very narrow minded (and often factually incorrect) way of looking at AI utilization.
I love how that article had plenty of other explanations for why a person might wear out their heel counter, but you jumped straight to him having deformed feet lol.
I mean sure they exist, but they also have at most 2 posts. I understand that Lemmy is still growing, but god damn does is feel empty compared to what Reddit offered.
When I was 15 my grandfather took me out into the woods to teach me to drive stick in a 30,000 lb dump truck. I had never driven anything bigger than a golf cart before. My space to work with was a clearing maybe three times the size of the truck. I did not learn to drive stick that day.
I’ve had my 40 oz Contigo for maybe 6 months. I honestly don’t like it that much because it leaks a little, but it was the only design at Walmart that I liked and I don’t exactly have the money to buy a different one.
I’m genuinely shocked that you’re the only one in this thread who picked up on “I’d never heard of narcissism until I recently watched some YouTube videos and concluded that both my parents and several of my relatives are narcissists.”.
I’m not going to say it’s impossible, but I’m highly skeptical.
Regardless of the reliability of the definitions used, I really do think you have provided the best advice in this thread. OP, if you read this, I agree with them full-heartedly. Seak out whatever counseling you can and look to more than just YouTube / the internet for information.
Really? You find it accurate that many people who want biological children want them over adopting because they dislike/hate orphans?
That might be those people’s answer to why they wouldn’t adopt, but I’d put a lot of money down that the majority of people who want their own kids feel that way for reasons that are far more nuanced, and far less rooted in hate, than “fuck orphans”.
I 100% agree that there are far too many people working the hours I work out of necessity. I also agree that I shouldn’t have to work the hours that I do, but I’m also in a less common situation where I’m working these hours out of (to an extent) my own free will. I’m in my clinical year of vet school right now so I fully knowingly signed up for this ahead of time. I absolutely could get another job somewhere else, that would probably pay just as well with better work life balance, but honestly I love what I do too much.
None of that is to say that the medical field isn’t horribly exploitative and in desperate need of an overhaul. But also I’m not going to be the one to push for that change, or at least not until I’m firmly established in my field. Unfortunately I’ve gotta just go along with it for now if I want to be able to keep doing what I love.
Wow, that’s a really horrible and judgemental take.
Oh yeah. That one caught me off guard as a child. Did not expect to leave that theater crying. 9/10 movie though.
Believing in God and believing the Earth is 8000 years old are not the same thing btw
Maybe you should focus your anger towards your boss who isn’t paying you enough and not on the customer who is unfairly being expected to subsidize your salary.
I used to cook literally every day of the week, but then I started clinical rotations and now I’m working 14-16 hour days 6-7 days a week. I’ve entirely stopped cooking for myself, even though it was previously my favorite hobby, because there’s no fucking way I can fit it into my schedule anymore. Anyone who wants to call me lazy can go fuck themselves, and doubly so for anyone who argues it’s my fault for paying exorbitant prices for delivery “because there are alternatives”. I don’t have the luxury of voting with my wallet and it honestly makes me made whenever I complain about unregulated prices and am told I should just not use the service and instead do X, Y, or Z option that isn’t even close to practical for me.
Yeah, part of it is that I’m in a medical field and still in school. Unfortunately my hours are going to get worse with internship/residency before they get better. Even still, 4x10-3 would never (honestly could never) happen in my field.
He’s not getting downvoted for presenting an interesting analysis of the Christian themes in the movie, he’s getting downvoted for claiming the use of those themes makes the movie Christian propoganda.
Definitely not, I played GoW 2018 first. I loved it so much that I went back and played every other previous GoW before GoW Ragnarok came out. The others are very different (but still very fun) games, and it definitely makes you appreciate Kratos’ story better, but they are by no means essential.