I am very familiar with Alec. Love that channel.
I am very familiar with Alec. Love that channel.
Also known as The Shaggy defense.
But they caught me up on stage
Wasn’t me
But they have me on tape
Wasn’t me
Got the boxes and the folders
Wasn’t me
Even caught it on camera
Wasn’t me
That’s what sponsor block is for.
Wait! He isn’t dead (Shia surprise)
There’s a gun to your head and death in his eyes
Alec at technology connections goes over it in this video. From what I recall, even though it has a lower gauge wire it won’t make much of a difference at the short distances these go.
I could be wrong, but that’s what I remember
Sfc /scannow
Please do the needful
I fully believe a good portion of our armed forces would split in half. Then issue would be which half is in charge of all the toys
Looking at the post, these might be advertisements for child prostitution. The Cheese Pizza is kind of a giveaway.
Those siamese cats will need a rewrite
So Scuba is pronounce Skuh-bah then, right? Since it’s Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
I was always more of a fan of Notepad += ++
Eh, not gonna fault someone for missing it.
Sonys license to provide discovery content is ending, so anyone who purchased that content loses access to it, even though they “own” it.
Only one high speed isp in my area. Shoot, I’ve lived in various places up and down the mid Atlantic and after dial up fizzled Comcast was always the only decent game around. I could do LTE now, but its still not as good as Comcast. 250mbps down, 10 up for $90/mo
Why does that dog sound like Wilford Brimly?
Some Faires have a time traveler day for things like this.
her organization supports a package of legislation that includes bills that would classify unborn children as dependents for tax purposes and increase the dependent exemption, fund grants for families seeking to adopt,
While I do not agree with her stance toward abortion, at least she supports creating policies that actually see the fetuses as people, unlike many that want to ban abortion. I wonder what her after-birth policy support is. As the great George Carlin said “If You’re Pre-Born, You’re Fine. If You’re Preschool, You’re Fucked”
It’s just on Hard Mode
So like eleven labs?