I mean, you should be extra kind to most people most of the time. Comunism begins at home.
I mean, you should be extra kind to most people most of the time. Comunism begins at home.
Tides are the waters going out and coming back. That is how we experience it. We experience it wrong.
They should have been
“as someone of Chinese descent” hitting with that stretch from half court on this one. There have been people of Chinese decent in America longer than most white people.
You have never worked in construction here in the US have you? I am renting a modern house and the granite countertops are great but when it rains my electricity shorts out and frankly it is kinda terrifying.
If you are lying to me about this I do not want to know the truth
I lost a parent to antvaxx stuff. A drop of her blood is on the hands on of every free speech absolutist who pushes that garbage and creates space for the worst people possible.
Uncle Roger
Why? What possible reason could you have to belive they just turned over a new leaf?
That might work. Really it isn’t that hard. Most societies through history have practiced some form of social production. Without the fear and lie nation of capitlaism the desire to do good and not live in a bad place has been drive enough to make things work.
“far as I understand socialism” We got a lot to unpack here.
Youbtalked about how all the post soviet states crumbled into disrepair. They are cpaitlaist. That is cpaitlaism. When they were not capitalist things got better. When they were cpaitlaist. Things got worse. This is basic stuff here.
You do understand reality exists right. It isn’t just US propaganda vs Russian propaganda. There is an actual objective truth that can be found. It isn’t particularly hard. No one here is claiming to have special wisdom here.
Why would you do that? How does it sound funny to you that US propaganda is so important to you that you would poision yourself if you weren’t surrounded by it? It get you were trying to make a joke but the joke is that, " if I encounter anything other than US propaganda I need to self harm so I don’t acknowledge it."
It is just wild to me that you exist in a state where this seems like a banger post.
It is not an alliance against the Russian federation. It was an alliance against the ussr. After that it became a rogue army for enforcing us hegemony. Every time it has been used it was to make the world worse. This mercenary core was originally made of nazi generals with nazi soldiers as well. So it really boggles the mind that anyone thinks they could be good for the world.
You do realize that increasing us strength and military spending are bad things right? That just means more death and misery to thr world in general and US residents aslo?
Gifted kids aren’t necessarily smarter than anyone else. They just develop their adult levels of intelligence faster than normal. So there is no guarantee that the amount they will be able to maintain that performance gap going forward. Indeed, they are likely to do worse as they never had to develop the skills to do well in school. So once school gets hard enough for them to need those skills they don’t have them.
Do you know what the US does? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. However, the claim is the US blew up something that didn’t belong to them. That is the most ordinary claim. It is so ordinary that if something explodes and you don’t know why, it would take evidence to prove we didn’t do it somehow
It is a lie. Reject false happiness. Enjoy the community of helping your fellow worker.