Jesus, just take a moment to realize how insufferable you need to be to have people defend Windows. Privacy issues are the only valid argument at this point for Windows and a really good argument so just harp on it.
Edge isn’t a new concept, it’s just replaced IE. Also I don’t get the want to remove it entirely, try removing libcurl and see how functional Linux is for a daily driver. Just set Firefox as your default browser and call it a day, you’ll never see Edge again.
The search bar is one click to hide. Also several distros ship with a search bar.
Ads don’t appear with Windows Pro
Not really sure what setting you’re having trouble getting to, everything’s roughly the same between 7, 10, and 11 for power users.
Yeah… there are macros to handle formatting. Next you’ll say Scratch isn’t programming either.
You were almost certainly going over the recommended 400mg/day maximum with symptoms like that
6 years ago, two full years before the PS5 released. We’ll most likely be halfway through the PS6’s lifecycle when TES6 releases.
Definitely get a Deck, it’s shocking how powerful the hardware is. If price is an issue you can wait until the refurbished ones go on sale again and pick up the cheapest model for $280.
Do you guys actually use wristbands? I just slap the rack before touching anything
Yeah, not unless the medical forms were forged.
Tbf most ads are on text news articles, one image can take up thousands of times more data than a few words.
And it’s cached… and there are CDNs… Still way more energy than you want, but not quite as panic inducing as it sounds.
Wojack’s been around since 2009/2010
That’s what we did, it just turned out that we were together for 7 years before everything fell in to place. We got out of college, got our careers in order, and bought a house. Then married the next year.
So we’re just ignoring the children then?
This, precious metals are a hedge against hyper inflation. Not an investment.
Hopefully “RTFM”
This is probably the best form of execution possible. Your body doesn’t know that there’s a lack of oxygen, but it does notice a build up of carbon dioxide. Nitrogen poisoning is not noticable until you’re already “drunk” and falling asleep. That’s why it’s so deadly to divers.
Nearly cut myself on that title.