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☠️ Hacker™️ | 🏍️ Petrol head | 🚀 Tech fondler
Fixed it
Don’t buy any of them. The absolute best is Gerband from Thomann. Sticks very well, but isn’t as nasty as Tesa. It’s made for events so it’s also easy to remove after a few days. Hands down my go-to tape. https://www.thomann.de/intl/gerband_gewebeband_258_schwarz.htm
They only joined WW2 when the Nazis where pretty much defeated by the rest of the allies and success was guaranteed. Only to invent themselves as the sole winner of the war. During the Cold war they fought hot proxy wars all over the place without any interest in casualties as long as they didn’t look weak for the soviets. Even after the Cold war western countries were only lucky that the US didn’t invade them for oil or other interests. They brought “freedom” to so many countries by now it became a fucking meme. Sure I’m seeing things a bit narrow and I might be biased but the US is and was a shithole that fucked up everyone around them as long as I can think of. The only reason they could do it is because they would crush you if you tried stopping them or it was useful to you because you weren’t the current victim. As you put it so nicely, the convenient bully.
At the moment? When was there ever a time the US weren’t the bad guys?
As long as is it millions it’s too much.
For quick money exchange with friends, I simply use SEPA. Because the handling of the SEPA numbers is a bit cumbersome I build the PayPal Alternative BezahlBrudi. It generates a QR code you can simply scan with your banking app. Feel free to use it and give me feedback.
It doesn’t store any info on my server. The form inputs are stored locally in a cookie so you don’t have to input your data over and over again.
Instead of looking up Amazon prices or works be nice to use price comparisons such as Geizhals or idealo. But these are very different depending on the region you’re looking in.
Geizhals has very new nice filters already so you don’t need this tool at all. Other regions might be different.
If American companies don’t want to comply with EU law they should look for other markets. I can perfectly live without meta and x.
China is not our allie. They are enemies of our values like freedom exactly as the Americans are.