This is incredible, thank you!
This is incredible, thank you!
Well it’s pretty clear they don’t view Palestinians as people, so I’m sure he believes his own statement. Fuck Israel. Fuck nazionists.
The reporters that are also in the pockets of Russian oligarchs? This has been an open secret for the better part of a decade now. Maga supporters will just see this as a sign of strength and diplomatic camaraderie.
Strap in babes, time for some good trouble! ✊
Drove about 6 hours to upstate New York, cloudy sky all day until 20 minutes after totality 🫠
Keep churning out these absolute top tier possum memes 🤩
This will never stop being funny to me. I love everything in this picture hahah
This is incredible! Thanks for sharing!!
“Broke Don” never had a real job in his life.
Okay fucking THANK YOU. I remember that movie being absolute shit and I would have walked out if I wasn’t on a date with someone I was super into, but that was an absolutely terrible hot mess of a movie and it felt like all of my friends loved the movie and I’m like are you sure this is the same movie???!?!
Well they were already born so clearly this is gOd’S pLaN.
Hahaha I heard the jingle as I read it! Perfection!
This isn’t a “man-made famine” it’s literally an ethnic cleansing, the zionists want to wipe the Palestinians off the planet. The ones they don’t kill with their guns they want to starve to death. This is a colonist genocide, I am so tired of the media finding all these ridiculous descriptions. It’s a genocide. They need to be asking why the hell aren’t we stopping these monsters?
You can’t just make me spit out my wine with this incredible Simpsons meme hahaha jk I love it 🤣
What the fuck, I find a new rabbit hole every day. Thank you!
Ughhh when will something be done about the police problem in this country!?!? This is a self selected group of people who take on a position of authority with virtually no oversight or consequences to blatantly illegal behaviors, this study just confirms what we have all known. Abusers choose positions that provide access to populations to abuse, and policing specifically, empowers and protects the abusers. ACAB
Every piece of this advice is absolutely brilliant and thoughtful. I’m really glad that you took the time to type it up. I think the diarrhea joke is hilarious and it would totally break the ice with me. It’s a hell of a first impression and it would definitely live in my head for a long time. The only thing I would add besides knowing your audience is that you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person that kind of takes some of the pressure off of you and in my experience I’ve found that to be very true.