• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2023


  • Interesting. Their proposed stelaris reactor only has four twists in it though if I interpret the Plasma’s shape as shown in their paper correctly.

    It could be due to the generators much larger size but that’s just a hobbyist’s guesswork. Here a comparison of the height of one coil to other reactors and a human:

    I’m not sure yet how much they are exaggerating with their capabilities and the reactors feasibility since I’m not a physicists and my only trust towards them stems from them working with the Max plank institute. But I hope it’s solid work. I’m looking forward to the reactions from other physicists to the plan though.

  • Edit: just realised the meme called all book banners not good guys instead of bad guys. And I agree the Bavarian government are definitely not good guys. Still left the original reply for ceomleteness’ sake even though it’s based on a wrong premise.

    I agree that it should not be banned. However this one mistake isn’t enough to label the people who banned it as bad guys. Overall the people who banned it, namely the Bavarian government, did an OK job at managing their state. They are conservative to be sure and passed a bunch of other bad legislation but not enough to make them bad guys. I associate bad guys with movie villains and while there are governments around the world that are on that level the Bavarian government isn’t amongst them.

  • I don’t know anything about qt. But I can criticise the design a bit. If something isn’t possible to realize in qt then I apologise.

    1. The Label may not need to be displayed in a separate line. You maybe could put the basic information abpu the window into the windows title and display additional information from the label when hovering over the title.
    2. The sliders have no way to display what the concrete value selected with the slider is. You may want to include the concrete value next to the slider name.
    3. The 3 buttons in the windows top box could be reduced. From a use case perspective being able to hide the tool window and then restore it at the same position is the same as being able to collapse it.
    4. A kind of spacer between the sliders and the next sliders name could make it faster to identify which slider belongs to which name. Don’t know what would look good but you could try leaving a tiny bit more space between them or including some thin lines that don’t touch the windows edges.