Unfortunately actually working in bio/med didn’t go well despite training for it aggressively and working her ass off given that she graduated at the perfect time to compete for entry-level positions with recently laid-off people with 5+ years of experience. Between that and chronic illness in the family will all the associated experience with the failings of our medical system I’m actually pretty sympathetic to the biohackers from a purely ideological perspective, but these people are just begging for a disaster.
Beyond reading through and enthusiastically agreeing with everything you had, she did say that if you’re working on anything consumable or injectable using 3D printed parts at all is going to be a red flag. Your first two pieces of equipment should be an autoclave and a fume hood, at which point you’re better off working with all glass for durability and not melting reasons. Making your work space actually sterile and sufficiently free of contaminants to do any of this jnt be first place is also going to be a pain, require a lot of tape and curtains and the like, and probably not work as well as you’d want.
Also even working in a proper university lab with a fume hood and climate controls you still get sufficiently different results that the mk1 eyeball is utterly insufficient for identification. You’ll learn worse than nothing.
Apparently a well-known event where authors gave away a ton of free ebooks led to people getting their Kindles locked down and reset due to a fraud detector falsely flagging it as suspicious activity.
I found one single article about it
But this is a representative Reddit thread