Sagt doch jeder, dass man sich mit dem 2FA System absichern soll. Top aktuell der Mann. Am Puls der Zeit.
Sagt doch jeder, dass man sich mit dem 2FA System absichern soll. Top aktuell der Mann. Am Puls der Zeit.
What do you mean “taken them” Do you think Elon just sells the cars and gives the money away? Or are you talking about stealing the cars? What do you think can be achieved with that? The car will be found eventually and returned. The person who bought the stolen car lost their money and politically you achieved nothing.
No. Their god-king can not do anything wrong in their eyes. So this would have no effect on them. But you will normalize their rhetoric with it. “See, even non-maga people say it”
Keep in mind that the memes you see are extreme examples. The vast majority of compound words consists of 2 or 3 words. Like Ofenreiniger (oven cleaner) or Werkzeugkoffer (tool box). Werkzeug being a compound word itself, made from “Werk” & “Zeug” meaning craft or work & gadget. These extremely long words tend to describe very specific, often niche items and are just rarely used in common language. Most people would call the thing in the picture more generalised “Feuerwehrauto”. Sufficient to describe it for most people, but not as precise as the long compound. It is basically a question how much details you want or need to communicate.
If you have one side that is pushing into the crazy territory really hard, the public discourse will change and shift in a way, that a moderate position will be perceived as extreme.
Just got a library card a few months ago. Had one when I was a kid and forgot how great it was. Not only do you get access to a huge amount of books, music, magazines, they also have ebooks. I don’t even have to leave the house to get something to read. Just download it on my epaper reader. Plus: never again late fees because the license just expires after the rental time is over.
Wait… You are arguing just about semantics but say stuff like arguing about points made by someone else would be waisting time? Be gone troll.
That barely holds up if you consider this argument in a vacuum. Brought into the context that Trump said he had better plan than Obamacare since 2016, your argument is utter bullshit.
That’s my favourite Dr. Who quote
Just skip the line. What are the cars gonna do? Beep at you and risk running out of honk?
You are 10 million years old and get $6
And the swastika was originally a religious symbol in Eurasia.
While true, it is a pointless fact that contributes nothing to the discussion as they are commonly used in a different way and understood by everybody. This is nothing more than derailing a discussion.
TIL that requesting proof for outlandish statements is debate pervetry. But I guess I take your advice and will block trolls like you
Could have just said “no”
Body odour is - thanks to deodorant - very much a choice.
You are right, air travel is no fundamental right. Same as air travel in complete silence.
What about ugly people or people with body odour? Do we not allow them to travel on planes, too? I can easily block noise with earplugs. Can’t really plug my nose or keep my eyes closed all the time.
Why is everyone else responsible for your comfort? Wanting all families banned from airtravel just because wearing earplugs is asking too much is in my opinion a lot more selfish than bringing a child onto a plane.
The thing is, the internet does exist now. And it is part of the world kids grow up in. So the question is not what someone thinks what the children will miss. They will not miss anything because they will have friends who will show them what the internet is. The question is: who do you want your kids to learn from what the internet is and can do?
From you or from their peers
Ich fürchte, mit Merz als Bundeskanzler gewinnt niemand.