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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


    • I’ve read books.
    • In multiple languages.
    • And I can read musical notes.
    • I’m a capable home cook.
    • I’ve built stuff. Assembling IKEA furniture counts, right?
    • My mum still keeps most of my paintings.
    • If you can read this, you know that I can write.
    • I can cut down vegetation.
    • I can even dive.
    • Yes, I open the camera app daily.
    • There’s an app for that as well.
    • I’m wearing my backpack already.
    • Five of the seven continents (as many of us understand them culturally), so far.

    Which is why I have an orgy every night.

  • • Whatever cars we produce, should be battery-electric.

    • Eastern Germany is in need of employment opportunities.

    • It’s a plantation, and Tesla is required to plant trees elsewhere.

    • Elon Musk is a terrible human being. But at least in Germany, there is a functional government to oversee this factory.

    Which is to say, I have no objections to Tesla building a factory here.

    Addendum: Yes, public transportation is better, if you have it. Living in your workplace is even better. For some of us, driving a BEV is a pragmatic compromise. Hydrogen is wasteful and stupid. Fossil fuels, including most hydrogen, is fucking stupid. AfD (aka. “We’re definitely not Nazis”) thrive where unemployed is high. Those trees are now houses, furniture, and toilet paper. By functional, I don’t mean efficient, corruption-free, or anything like that in absolute terms. But compared to Texas, CCP-China, or most other places in the world, it is somewhat functional for the purpose of overseeing industry. Well, apart from those giant holes in the ground where there’s coal, and all those emissions scandals. And the German environmental movement is, in large parts, a bunch of unwitting russian sock-puppets. Ripened for the enshittification of the internet by decades of soviet/russian propaganda.