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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • And yet every other comment on this post is “just have confidence; change how you act and look and you’ll stop being rejected.”

    It’s so silly to keep acting like attractiveness has zero to do with dating and likeability. Especially when there are permanent issues that are genetic or medical or whatever that go beyond “get a haircut and buy new clothes.” American society is super judgemental in general when it comes to appearance and aging (especially toward women), and identity. It gets much worse in the dating scene, especially now that it’s so frequently based on swiping left or right on a single photo and you’re competing with filters. Yes, there’s always the possibility of finding a group of people or a person that you fit in with, and you should always put work into finding that (if that’s something you want - not everyone wants to be paired off) but let’s stop throwing realism completely out the window ffs.

    – a woman

  • I was of voting age in 2008. Banning or heavily regulating certain types of guns is not the same as sending the national guard into every home in the US to search for and confiscate them, which is exactly what conservatives have been saying will happen for at least a decade now. Iirc trump banned some kind of bump-stock-adjacent device, but I don’t recall any gangs of roving feds going door to door to round up all the ones that have already been purchased.

  • If you chose to live in a small and isolated down,

    And then on any post about housing prices, all you see are comments like “well you chose to live in an urban area!! If you liberals would just move to rural Alabama you could afford your rent!1!” So which is it?

    Then I get downvoted for saying there’s a million reasons people can’t just up and move, including a lack of jobs and other resources in rural areas. Besides, a majority of people don’t necessarily choose where they live. There are countless socioeconomic circumstances that dictate that.

    It’s just proof that people continue to fall for placing the blame on one another when it should really be directed straight upwards.

  • As someone of a similar age, I can definitely say this is not true for everybody.

    Raging at the idiot who pulled in front of you solves nothing.

    It’s not like we don’t know that. Otherwise OP wouldn’t have the self awareness to ask the question. It’s just an emotional reaction to people, situations, and actions that defy logic. I get angry at drivers when they do things that are not only blatantly selfish and inconsiderate, but dangerous and usually illegal (in SoCal that’s every few minutes). I don’t know about OP, but I’m not doing any “raging.” No one looking over at me would know I’m angry af, but I’m sitting there wondering how the US is filled with so many sociopathic freaks and why we’re all ok with the way we treat each other. And picturing what would happen had I done the same thing in traffic. A cop would materialize out of nowhere, or the other person would jump out of their car with a bat. But the people who cut me off? They never see any consequences, and if any one of them learns their lesson, there’s ten more willfully ignorant, dangerously stupid people to put everyone else at risk. I’m not attributing anything to malice. Cluelessness is so much worse, and people should be held accountable for not learning from their mistakes. Besides, being considerate, responsible, generally respectful, and empathetic does not require any extra education or intelligence (though it would certainly help). Somehow, the universe is totally fine with all of this, and so is everyone else. I was in a bad accident years ago because someone pulled right out in front of me, so I’ve lived through the consequences of some selfish prick valuing their two seconds of time over other people’s actual lives. If a teenager acted the way we act collectively, as a population, their parents would be told they have behavioral problems. You can not react all you want, but that doesn’t help anything going on under the surface. Mindfulness and stoicism is just living with the anger and stress instead of solving it. That’s why cognitive behavioral therapy is the only thing that will actually help it.

  • What alternative would you propose for providing loans?

    Making things affordable (or just priced within reason) if they are considered a necessity to live in society.

    Yes, there are survival necessities ie. food, water, shelter. But in modern society, we can add Internet, phone, car (depending on where you live) or bus pass etc, and probably tuition for at least a bachelor’s degree.

    If you want to buy a boat or some shit, then sure, you should have to take out a loan.