notice how all the dnc drifters are now partying in Hawaii instead of fighting for their voters ?
notice how all the dnc drifters are now partying in Hawaii instead of fighting for their voters ?
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does this even have any effect on anyone when america is burning refugees alives in another part of the world ? its like a serial pedophile talking about workplace banter
Have some fucking humanity, putibot.
humanity for the guy responsible for thousands of dead kids and many more being starved simply for the crime of being born in a disgusting apartheid state ? the hypocrisy of the american elites knows no shame.
biden deserves all the misery in this life and after it.
only if its not israel or us
russia is very much wrong here, but the western hypocrisy of ukraine vs palestine is next level of disgusting.
its not like voting for scum like biden and harris is moral when they murder thousands of children for aipac money. trump is doing exactly what dnc does to poor non-white countries. now cry because you were happy when done to someone else.
israel has done far far worse warcrimes than russia in ukraine but still no mention or criticism of it in western media. everyone crying only now and silent during biden is also selfish racist hypocrite.