But the whole point of rice is to bulk out more expensive food. Even the expensive Japanese sticky rice is just there to stretch out the actual food.
But the whole point of rice is to bulk out more expensive food. Even the expensive Japanese sticky rice is just there to stretch out the actual food.
Why are you trying to keep your rice out of your curry, who eats them separately, that’s insane
Canada isn’t a US state yet
The size of Monica’s apartment was mentioned in the show. It was her grandma’s apartment and under rent control; the apartment building didn’t know that it wasn’t the Grandma anymore. With that, it wasn’t unreasonable for her to be able to afford it during the 90s
It sure as hell tastes better than gold, guess it depends on what you consider precious
Open the link in a web browser and zoom in
No such thing as free stuff.
The guy from Massachusetts??
And we will absolutely, positively never know.
Congratulations, you are now regulated as a medical device. Hope you have your paperwork together or you won’t be operating in the EU.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
They’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas.
Sorry, going to be that person https://www.etymonline.com/word/Grinch
What happens is that engineers look at a technology and say, this is too complex, I just need something simple. So they invent and/or adopt something simpler than the popular technology of the day.
But as they build more and more things using the technology, they realize that it needs more features, so those get added on. This happens over and over again to the technology with more and more features being added to it, until a new set of engineers look at it and say this is too complex, I just need something simple…
I would venture I guess that it’s a no. Trump is not shy about his relationship with Putin, to the point that he would rather make it seem like they’re still best friends than Putin ignoring him because he’s not useful at the moment
Well, I find this law to be obscene, so I guess it’s illegal.
To move hay around to feed horses?
Yep, my step mom voted for him. She’s a teacher and still refuses to believe that he said he’s going to shut down the department of education.
Snap out of what? This is why they voted for him.
Ferris Bueller, you’re my hero