Another distraction from things that actually matter. This will have no material impact on anyone’s life, but will dilute the news cycle.
Another distraction from things that actually matter. This will have no material impact on anyone’s life, but will dilute the news cycle.
People like this should be treated the same as parents who drive their kids without car seats and seat belts.
No, he’s going to solve climate change.
Paying people to review articles is just going to make things worse. The real problem is open access. In the current system the author of the manuscript has to pay to publish it, and the publisher turns around and asks readers to pay to access it. Its a scam. If research was conducted with any public money the knowledge generated should be public. This is why Elsevier needs to go. If you saw how much money institutions have to pump into these useless publishers to get access to knowledge funded by the public for the public there would be more outrage.
Why would anyone quit adult daycare? Unless they are in the content moderation mines in Africa getting ptsd from seeing the horrors of humanity.
Vegas floods almost every time it rains. Sometimes it floods when it rains nearby like on Mt Charleston. I’ve nearly avoided flash floods hiking in red rock canyon, and seen people on the news get killed in washes on a regular basis. I trust the casinos to care more about their victims than president Elon.
It tastes like ass, but over time you grow to enjoy the taste of ass, and eventually you prefer the taste of ass .
I eat tacos bell
If you live near a college campus, check out their recycling center or campus surplus. Lots of IT departments just toss UPS when they upgrade equipment regardless of battery status. I like to grab APC ones because the battery replacements are easy to find and there’s usually a YouTube video for the exact model with someone refurbing it.
I haven’t found an article yet that can actually articulate the problem with 23 and me right now, and actually did research into it or even read the terms and service. The problem with 23 and me is that they are not maximizing the share holder value of the data they are sitting on. The CEO wants to keep the company in line with the principals they were founded on which is to protect the privacy and data of their customers, while using opt in studies to build data sets that can be studied or sold.
Investors want to enshittify the company, and have been organizing a campaign against to company to try to drive it into liquidation to buy the data, even though the company is profitable. I wouldn’t be surprised is they are funding these weekly omfg 23 and me bad articles.
They really should start selling it and marketing it as never frozen fresh. It’ll be even more effective that way once its legal nationwide.
I’m 100% for raw milk. I hope some one is setting up a centralized nation wide distribution ready to go live the second it’s legal, and I hope everyone who wants it can get it at the same time before any news can spread.
I just hope they have the raw milk distribution set up to go live nationwide at the same time. I want all the people excited for this to get it, and enjoy it for as long as possible before the news gets to them.
Rtx 3070
Upgraded my highschool family desktop I took to college with a GeForce 8800 GT , used until I build a new pc with a Radeon 7970 GHz edition, which was replaced with a rx580 after the card passed away from light coin poisoning. Desktop is now running unRAID and my new main rig has a gtx 3070 in.
If your good at something, never do it for free
With people so concerned about governing trans health care in the name of kids safety. I wonder how the numbers stack up for negative outcomes from trans youth health care over the last decade vs kids gunned down at school.
Me: Everytime I got time on the confocal
This is why these retards are in power now. There is enough damage being done to our country to have things to legitimately be upset about. Tangible things like all the kids dying of measles, the dismantling of our research institutions, and gambling our future prosperity away by making it known to our allies that America’s word means nothing and starting retarded trade wars.
No one gives a shit if some Karen is upset about about people calling each other retards. The word has to much utility to be policed out of use. This is why we need Xbox live lobbies to return, let people grow thick skin because Ive been called everything in the urban dictionary.
I may be jaded but I had an undergrad get upset with me once when they asked me to look at some bacterial colonies they were growing on agar plates. I looked at the plates and said they look retarded, as in their growth was retarded because she used minimum media instead of rich media by accident. No I didn’t get in trouble with any admins.