That is such a cold take. People say this all the time. Ive literally seen and heard people compare this to the industrial revolution before.
That is such a cold take. People say this all the time. Ive literally seen and heard people compare this to the industrial revolution before.
I think literally the only connection between the two games is “corpo world bad rural world good” lmao
I mean this genuinely; how do you even navigate that many tabs? Like, if you are honest with yourself can you truthfully say that you can easily find what you are looking for between 50 windows with an average of more than 100 tabs each? I max out at like 30 tabs between a few windows and I find myself lost when navigating them
Unless you do obviously dumb things, like not doing anything at all and letting the enemies hit you, you literally could not fail at baldurs gate on default difficulty. I actually find it way too easy to succeed and far too forgiving. You could genuinely go through the whole game with your “picked random everything” character. Youll get your ass kicked a few times, but youll never get stuck anywhere. The only part thats complex is the story IMO. There are dozens of alternative endings and secret story bits and hidden interactions between characters. Almost every quest, no matter how small, has multiple endings. You could probably sink 1000 hours into BG3 without going through most of the story content.
Not to be an ass, but youre 20 so you arent one of “The Kids” anymore lmao. Youre an adult now. I think your point definitely still stands though. Im only slightly older than you and when I was in highschool virtually everyone had IG, Snapchat and Twitter. I dont talk to anyone in the highschool age bracket but I think they probably still use IG/Snap/Twitter (or X if you prefer).
This is a thing thats (slowly) becoming mainstream I think. Rainbow 6 siege has it (or it did when I last played at least) and Battlebit Remastered has it. In Battlebit you can actually lean left / right all the time, no matter if youre against a corner or not. You can even do it in open fields
This starts to devolve as an idea kinda fast because someone out there has a phobia for every single thing. I do agree though on spiders specifically. I do not have arachnophobia but its so common and giant spiders are kinda overplayed in fantasy anyways, that I dont think theyd be missed.
In my neck of the (american) woods, it usually is “free delivery! No fees if your meal is $15 or more!” according to their ads, but then they artifically raise the menu prices in the app. A meal might cost you $12 with tax at a burger place near me, but on ubereats / doordash that same meal is $19 because they raised the menu price. That way when you go to pay, it says there was “no extra fee”.
Im not particularly conscious and I do sometimes smile with some teeth showing, like if I was laughing super hard and my teeth just happened to be showing I wouldnt try to hide it. But if I am, say, taking a group photo, I dont smile with all my teeth out. Its just weird to me.
I am an american and I have lived here my whole life, and I never got this. Almost every person I know IRL except me smiles with all their teeth out like a fucking demented shark or something, and if I dont show my teeth like Im about to bite someone then other people chide in like “come on you arent even smiling!”. For some reason americans just bare all their teeth like dogs when we smile and its disgusting and weird
For the record people in my area do actually call their driveway “the asphalt” and I have heard them call it such even if it literally was not asphalt so ymmv lol
Tbh I dont know why anyone would think there are no depths scientologists would go to. Its a sham religion entirely made to drain resources from its members into the pockets of the hierarchy of the “church”. Its basically a criminal enterprise and should be treated as one
You know, Im obviously one person so my input matters very little, but Id much rather vote for a candidate with your ideals than any of the present options. Hopefully one day there will be a candidate with these ideals and the recognition needed to win the election
To be fair, thats just partially because toxic stories are more interesting. Like, me and my wife have a not-toxic relationship, she never gives me shit about playing videogames even if I spend a whole day gaming, but that just isnt as good of a story to read lmao so I dont bother telling it online, except in this exact moment
Theoretically though, if youre already dead, would it even matter? To me, what youre describing would be the same as if, say, your grandkids or whatever descendants ended up finding a photoalbum filled with pics of you and letters you wrote to friends and family and such. There would be no outside context from you but it could still be a nice heirloom for your grandkids/great grandkids to remember you by and learn a bit about what type of person you were.
I remember it being probably the most difficult shooter I had ever played up until that point. The campaign was genuinely so hard. I (barely) managed to beat it and the boss fight at the end took me real life months.